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Twitter (NWO)

Australia has LOST its MIND with 6-mo boosters (Clips)

Australian corporate-puppets have lost their damn minds trying to push boosters every 6 months onto the population—we’re up to the 5th shot—however, the more they push, the more people are waking up and coming to their senses and finally saying “No way!”


USA’s “Ministry of Censorship” [Report]

USA created the same “Ministry of Censorship” that Australia is currently drafting a bill to MIMIC this exact type of agency that was setup in the US… (How it’s going…) Do you want this kind of crap in Australia? We’re three-quarters there already.


Elon Musk – Golden Share – Something to explore

I made a video with various clips postulating the idea that Elon Musk is a psychological operation for the New World Order (based on pretty obvious evidence). It seems most of the connections mentioned are still relatively unknown (based on conversations with my “awake” friends), or at least, these deeper connections and historical facts are not discussed much by anyone—even other truth seekers and researchers. Hopefully this gets us all digging deeper, beyond the surface-level stuff, and ultimately closer to the truth.


The Twitter Files

The extent of censorship of social media has been a critical weapon in this mass-mind control assault on humanity. The “publicly-released “Twitter-friendly version” might be a nothing-burger (albeit it at least admits the cover-up of the files itself), but the actual extent of corruption contained in the files, is definitely not a “nothing-burger”, and Twitter and Social Media’s role in the mass-manipulation of the world is definitely not a ‘nothing burger’ – we could’ve saved millions of lives if not for their censorship of the truth.
