Work in the New World
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2022 (Created: Oct 29, 2021)
How are we going to survive & thrive in the transition from the corrupt world to the new world?
Facebook Groups
This is a group for like-minded Australians.
Whether you’re looking for work or need staff, this group is for EVERYONE- vaccinated or not.
Please post your jobs available or jobs wanted.
Let’s help get all Aussies back to work!
The Facebook is where they post the jobs. The Telegram channel is virtually unused. – Feb 17 2022
This is a group for employers and jobseekers to find each other. Students/people looking for traineeships are also welcome.
We understand the mandate has been a difficult time for everyone.
I created this group specifically to connect employers to job-seekers because it is hoped an employer will understand and respect a future employee’s choices, freedoms, and liberties when it comes to mandates amongst other human rights. Just as a jobseeker will respect their employers.
There may be a requirement in a job already which you may not agree with, but it is expected that a job seeker and employer will come to an agreement with an open mind considering each other’s liberties, freedoms and choices because an employer is coming here as they understand this concept.
If you are an employer looking for an employee and wish to advertise a vacancy – please post in the discussion thread of this current Facebook page and I will assign it a hashtag.
Pro Choice = My Body, My Choice for what we put on or IN our bodies and we accept other’s choices without judgement.
This group is created to help business and the Australian people connect and support each other.
It is my hopes to create a directory across Australia to help like minded people find each other.
Weather you own, run or work in a business that is pro choice or are looking for a business to support, you are welcome here!
This is a Facebook page where you can find businesses that do not discriminate, also the perfect place to share your own business with others who think alike!
We are dedicated to unifying like-minded people and consumers by creating an understanding environment for all parties involved – from Businesses right down through customers themselves.
We also have a telegram channel for businesses- it’s called “Businesses Unite Australia”. The best place for non-business related discussions is the “Awaken And Unite!” group, with no C-V discussion restrictions.
Businesses Unite Australia is proud to announce the launch of our local business directory, where you can list your business for a low yearly fee. For just $14.95 per year, we provide an online space that connects people with like-minded customers!
This is a Facebook page where you can find businesses that do not discriminate, also the perfect place to share your own business with others who think alike!
We are dedicated to unifying like-minded people and consumers by creating an understanding environment for all parties involved – from Businesses right down through customers themselves.
We also have a telegram channel for businesses- it’s called “Businesses Unite Australia”. The best place for non-business related discussions is the “Awaken And Unite!” group, with no C-V discussion restrictions.
Businesses Unite Australia is proud to announce the launch of our local business directory, where you can list your business for a low yearly fee. For just $14.95 per year, we provide an online space that connects people with like-minded customers!
All Welcome Websites:

Find Jobs, Employment, Career Opportunities or places to be served with Businesses who will not request vaccination status or implement any form of mandatory vaccine policy.
Google Maps:
Connecting Teachers & Parents:
Telegram Groups
- (new jobs added all the time)
- (Advertise non-discriminatory, friendly business & employment opportunities)
- (This one has never listed a job yet)
- (Noticeboard mostly for those seeking work)
- (Jobs and people discussing ideas and their struggles with finding a job unvaxxed – chatroom)
- (Place to share what you are looking for – whether you are a business or job-seeker)
- (NSW)
- (They list areas and then you comment on the post of that area with job available)
- (No Updates since Sept 2021)
- Jobs For Everyone – Australia
- (Very small group so far, noticeboard and chat)
- (VIC)
- (sometimes jobs, but members are starting to post political info and get off-job topic)
Australian Barter/Swap/Donate:
- (Post containing groups for each State)
“All Welcome” Businesses:
- (VIC)
- (Lists businesses that are against Segregation in the Hospital Industry – where you can dine or work)
- (Lists all states, then you join a separate channel in your state – then on that channel, you can find businesses where all are welcome)
- (Unfortunately looks like it hasn’t had any updates since Oct 2021)
Portable Trades and Businesses
(Work from Anywhere)
- Teach what you know
- Yoga Instructor
- Local Wedding Planning
- Journalist, Ghost-writer, or Copywriter
- Import/Export Business
- Teaching English as a Second Language
- Investor
- Network Marketing
- Missionary
- Teacher
- Photography
- One-to-one personal tutoring
- Commodity Trader
- Direct Mail
- Online Store
- Podcasts
- How-To Guides to Teach Others Skills They Need
- Creating Home-Schooling Material for the New World
- Webinars / Courses / Membership Sites / Seminars
- Teaching or setting up or aiding people with Cryptocurrency
- Teaching people Self-Managed Super
- Help people grow their own groceries
- Weeding, Mowing, Gardening
- Prepare Meals
Internet Tasks
Mobile Business Directory
Virtual Assistant
Mobile App Developer
Graphic Design
Website Creation, Maintenance, or Hosting
Social Media Marketing
Niche Business Directories
Online Jobs / Tasks
UrbanWriters Content Creation and Ghost-writing Services for Businesses and Personal Brands. Online Tasks you can do for others – Worldwide Local & Online Tasks you can do for other Aussies Pretty certain it’s working for the Cabal as most tasks are improving the Artificial-Intelligence capabilities of this world – taking photos of signs, verifying business hours, improving Google Home/Amazon Echo commands, Facial Recognition etc.
Get Paid for Local Tasks in your Community Local & Online Tasks you can do for other Aussies
MadPaws or PawShake Pet Sitting or Dog Walking Australia
UberEats, MenuLog, DoorDash, Food Delivery Australia
Deliveroo Food Delivery by Bike/Scooter Australia
AirCart Groceries & Shopping – Get paid to shop and deliver, Australia
Zoom2U Courier driving – Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Gold Coast Not nearly as good as it used to be, but maybe useful in your Local community
Working towards what we need in the New World
A world without corruption, where we help each other, one based on honesty, integrity, a desire to help, one that helps humanity, that wants the best for each other, that is ethical & fair. Ubuntu Ethos
Every type of business that already exists, needs to be reformed – so every skill you already have, there will be a way to use it in the new world.
Heading to bed now but I know there will be lots of things that we will need as we rebuild our world (once this scary part is over). We will need educators for our children, we will need communities, we will need everyone.
The transition to the new world is the tough part – the in-between, while this system still exists, it diminishes everything good about the world, and keeps people doing jobs they hate, just to keep a roof over their head.
Already I’m seeing the start of the new world when I see those who are offering to child-mind or tutor for those who lost their jobs due to the mandates, these new discriminatory-free job directories, and communities coming together.
And we can also reach out to the way-showers – those who have already left the system that can help teach us how they did it and what they know. They know how to live off-grid, they know free energy, they know how to thrive.
We need to think in terms of now but also in the transitioning to the new – so that we no longer create a world of human slaves, but finally become all we came here to be.
Even though it was just a random ramble a few years ago, I think “past me” is trying to help “current me” get back to what it’s all about:
Past me also has some other ideas for “current me” which might help “current you” with some ideas too:

Site Notifications/Chat:
- Telegram Post Updates @JourneyToABetterLife (channel)
- Telegram Chatroom @JourneyBetterLifeCHAT (say hi / share info)
- Gettr Post Updates @chesaus (like fakebook)