Van Life Video Challenge

Everyone living or wanting to live the van-life is calling for more videos! We want to see and hear about your individual experiences with your van. So this morning, I decided to help… I created a 31 Day Video Challenge for Van-Life to encourage more people to share their journeys with us!
It also gave me more ideas on what I should be recording myself lol.. as after I did the van tour – I was like.. now what? :) (See my channel – it’s very new right now.. and I still have lots to learn!)
So I’ve written 31 different topics that you can create videos on about your van… based on things I’m interested in hearing about personally – and would love you to add your own questions of what you would love to know about other van-dwellers.. so please either use the comments below and I’ll add your questions to the various topics – or create new topics that people can pick and choose from.
This challenge is not as strict as other challenges – take as long as you like, choose which topics you want to talk about – and learn as you go… get experience in front of the camera by just ‘starting’ with the topics below. Or alternatively – you go through and do them all if you like – I would love that! :)
Please share your video here or on any of the Facebook groups. It doesn’t matter what country/area you are from – in fact – the more versatility – the better. There are people waiting to be inspired all over the globe – all eager to see more people living the van-life and sharing their journey.
I just started recording myself and there are fears and problems to work-out. If you are doing it along with others – we can sort out the problems and overcome our shyness & self-esteem issues together lol The first videos are going to be full of umm’s and ahh’s.. accept it and move on.. we care about your story, not your perfectionism. And the only way to improve is by “doing”… by learning and improving as you go.. practice makes perfect, and everything is “practice”.
I’m personally going to do this challenge and would love for you to join me….
Can’t wait to see your van-life videos!
Van-Life Video Challenge Topics
- Introduction & Van Hunting
Introduce yourself – where are you at currently with getting van / living in van, where you are located (which country/state, etc), your intentions
Who are you and what are you passionate about?
Tips & Lessons thus far on the journey
Things you are struggling with / struggled with
What you’re looking for & why or if you already bought the rig – what you purchased & why
Are you going solo or do you have companions? Who are you travelling with & what are their thoughts on the van life?
What do you hope to gain from living this lifestyle?
Your first night in the Van
- Why Van Life?
What attracts you about the van lifestyle?
What can you do in a van that you can’t do in a house?
What does living in a van give you?
What do you really love about it?
Was there any trauma involved in your decision? Or, did you grow up in the van life?
What experience do you have so far in the van or is this a whole new world?
- Van Insurance
Tips & Lessons
Why you went with your current insurer
What problems did you encounter getting insurance for your particular rig?
Advice you would give others going through the same (what would make it ‘less of a headache’ for someone you care about?)
Do you know a thing or two about insurance? Share your tips – what should other van-dwellers be aware of / make sure is covered, etc. Help if you know how to help and list your struggles to let the community help if you don’t know what you should be doing.
- Computer & Internet Access
What computer do you use?
How do you access the internet?
How much does it currently cost?
How do you power your computer?
How long does your computer last without power?
What problems do you encounter using a computer or internet on-the-road and what do you intend to do to resolve?
- Kitchen – Cooking/Food Preparation/Dishes
What have you got setup for cooking & food preparation in your van?
Do you have a table? Do you have to set it up or is it built-in?
What appliances do you have?
Are you a tea/coffee drinker? How do you boil water?
Do you have a stove? What type is it and what can you do in it? Gas or electric?
What utensils/dishes do you have?
How do you clean your dishes after a meal?
Anything you don’t have that you wish you had?
- Kitchen – Food Storage
What food stores do you have – what are you taking with you – what are you buying/growing on the road?
Your pantry – where in the van are you keeping or planning on keeping your pantry food?
How are you keeping produce fresh? (fridge/freezer/electric cooler/esky/none)
What herbs/spices/condiments have you got and how/where are you storing them?
Do you have any concerns about food storage on the road?
What food-like things will you miss being able to do that you can’t do in a van?
What are you looking forward to be able to do in the van?
Will your diet change? What are you going to do to ensure you still enjoy the things you like and take care of your health?
- Van Power
Do you have access to power in your van? Why/Why not?
What is your current setup?
Do you have solar power? 2nd Battery? Inverter? Generator? Plugged-in somewhere?
What did you buy and what is it used for? (cooking/computers/heating/cooling/gaming, etc)
How long does it last before you need to recharge? How does it recharge?
Does it power all your needs? What can be powered from it?
What lessons did you learn? What do/did you wish you knew?
The worst things about your current setup? The best things?
Future intentions
- Clothes Storage
What clothes are you taking with you?
How are you storing your clothes? Do you have a wardrobe or rod or compression bags or duffle bags, etc?
Are your clothes easy-to-access?
What are some problems you have encountered or are having – and how do you intend to solve?
What do you love about your current clothes storage setup?
Did you purchase anything that you think is a great or poor choice for your current clothes storage?
- Bathroom / Toilet / Shower / Sink
What are you doing for personal hygiene in the van?
Do you have a bathroom? Toilet? Shower? Sink?
Do you use truck stops, solar shower, 24hr gyms, friends houses or baby wipes?
Where do you brush your teeth?
How does your sink/shower/toilet work?
What would you do if you had more money/space?
What do you intend to do in the future or are you happy with your current setup?
What would you recommend for others?
Have you ever changed your setup? What did you used to have – why did you get rid of it, is your current setup better/worse?
Where do you store your bathroom stuff and what do you have?
- Minimalism / Down-sizing
How have you had to change your mindset to live the van life?
What have you found when downsizing? Any new insights about life?
What did you feel letting go of all your worldly possessions or do you have a storage unit or a friends house to keep certain belongings?
Is there anything that you wish you could fit in your van that you couldn’t take with you? What are you doing instead?
Is there anything that couldn’t fit – but somehow you “made it work” – what was it and why is it so important to you?
What new habits have you had to form to fit this lifestyle?
Was there anything in particular that helped you downsize?
What are the benefits to decluttering your life?
Are you neater now? More organized?
What do you do about items that are not ‘everyday’ items but ‘nice to have just in case’ – where are they stored?
Are you happier with less?
What did you do with all your stuff that “didn’t make the cut? / didn’t fit in the van?”
What do you “make-do” with that used to be replaced by multiple items?
How has embracing minimalism changed your life?
What did you have to “let go” of? And how did that make you feel?
What are the additional expenses of being a minimalist or what are the savings of being a minimalist (or both?)
Do you have a certain ritual that you go through to decide whether to keep/buy something?
What are the overall benefits to downsizing your possessions and what suggestions/tips do you have for others who are considering pursuing this lifestyle?
- Van Parking
Where do you park your van at night – and why? Costs/Benefits/Problems/Tips
Where do you park your van during the day – and why? Costs/Benefits/Problems/Tips
Camping vs Urban – are you a city dweller or a forest camper? Or both? Why / Why not – advantages/disadvantages
Stealth or not?
Do you park for free or pay? Why/Why Not
What is unique about your country/state/area that makes it beneficial/difficult to park your van?
Are you a traveller or are you a weekend camper or are you living on property, etc.
- Bed / Mattress
Where do you sleep? How comfortable is it?
Why did you decide to have this setup? What are the benefits/problems/costs?
Do you have a mattress topper? Why did you choose it/cost/benefits/problems
What are you future intentions with the bed-setup? Anything you would change or plan on adding for more comfort/convenience/space?
Do you store things under/over/in the bed?
How easy and how much time does it take to setup your bed or do you keep it made-up?
Comfort level? Versatility?
Does your bed / pillows / mattress etc serve a double-purpose? What else do you use it for?
- Van Down-time Entertainment
Did you bring anything for downtime entertainment? What did you bring?
Game consoles? TV? DVD player? Laptop? Books? Movies, etc.
Where do you store these items and how are they setup?
How much space does it take up and how often do you use them?
How much power does it use?
Anything you wish you had?
What is your fave way to entertain yourself in your downtime?
- Health in the Van
What do you do to stay fit and healthy in the van?
Are you choosing this lifestyle to get healthier or are you thinking that your life would become less healthier on the road?
What foods do you eat / vitamins/minerals you take, etc to take care of your health?
What do you do for strengthening the body ?
What does your first-aid kit look like?
Do you have any health conditions that you also have to account for living this lifestyle? What additional things did you need to do to the van to customize it to your health or physical condition?
If someone had the same health condition as you – what things would they need to be aware of living this lifestyle?
Do you have a disability of some-sort? What adjustments have you had to make to enable you to live in your van? What tips do you have for others who have the same disability?
What are the biggest struggles with staying healthy/fit in the van? What would improve that situation?
What are the worst habits you have that you know are detrimental to your health?
- Van Organization
We’re half-way through the challenge!
Van Tour-time! Show us how you have organized and re-arranged your van so far
What have you built / changed / moved – and why? What does that mean for you now? Benefits/Problems
What purchases have you made to solve a certain problem/annoyance?
What is your fave thing you have done/bought/moved?
What tips have you learnt along the way that would help someone not make the same mistakes?
Overview of van – outside and in
- Van Laundry
How do you deal with dirty clothes? Where do you store your dirty clothes? Where do you put your ‘wear-again’ clothes?
Where/how do you wash & dry your clothes/towels, etc?
Do you have to iron your clothes? And if so, how do you do that on-the-road?
How much time does laundry take & how often do you need to do it? Is that a problem?
Do you have your own washing machine? How does it work? Does it need power or is it manual? How much space does it take up and is it worth it?
Do you have your own dryer or do you make your own clothes line, etc – what exactly needs to be done to dry your clothes – how is it setup? How long does it take? How well does it work?
What would you do differently if you had the choice?
What other things have you seen that would be a great purchase instead of your current setup?
Do you have a day-job – are your work clothes/uniform treated differently than the rest of your clothes? If so – what are the things you do differently because of your work?
What detergent do you use and why? How/Where do you store it? Where do you buy it or do you make it yourself? etc.
- Hang-out when not in Van
Where are you when you are not in your van?
What do you do? How do you spend your time?
What are the problems with where you currently stay that holds you back from doing certain things (city dwelling – not being able to put out awning, tables, etc. Money, society perspective, etc.
What are your fave things to do when you are not in your van?
How much time do you spend in your van?
Do you work? How many days/hours a week do you work? What do you work on/do? Is that what you want to do? What do you want to do?
Do you attend courses/school/events/seminars/workshops/concerts/, etc.? What type – how often – why / what benefit do you get? Costs?
What activities do you do? Outdoor/indoor? Benefits/Costs?
What do you do for fun? What makes you happy?
- Van Cleaning
How often do you need to clean your van inside/outside?
What are the main problem areas?
How do you do it? What do you use?
Where/How do you store it?
How long does it take?
Van smells – how do you keep your van smelling fresh? Problems yet to be overcome?
Van stains – what would you do if you spilt something in the van? How would that affect your current setup?
Are there any costs involved in cleaning your van? How much? Is it worth it?
Are you planning to purchase anything else to help you with cleaning the van? What/why/cost?
- Community
Where do you go to hangout with others who resonate with the van life? What sites/forums/groups do you visit regularly?
What memberships are you a part of? Costs / benefits ?
Do you have any van-dwelling friends/family/neighbours?
What are your fave van channels / blogs and why?
Shoutouts to people you have met / your commenter’s / people that have inspired or helped you
- Products you Can’t Live Without
What are some van purchases you have made that you love or cannot live without?
(Or things you have built / made-yourself or was given as a gift, etc.)
What would you recommend to others and what did you think was going to be great – but ended up being not as good as advertised
- Van Q&A
Here is your opportunity to answer questions that people have asked on facebook groups / forums or direct from your or someone else’s commenter’s.
- Van Lighting
What is your lighting setup? Does it fit your needs?
What do you love/hate about it?
What have you installed and was it worth it? What came with the van and are you keeping it?
What have you spent so far on lighting and would you recommend it to others or would you choose something differently if you had to do it again?
Do you know how much power it takes?
Is it run on batteries or solar or 12V etc?
Do you live with less lighting to save power/batteries?
Do you have a torch/torches? Are they solar/battery/manual? How bright are they and what do you use it for? Where do you store it?
- Van Security
All things van security.. what do you do and what do you plan to do to keep yourself, your van, and your possessions safe?
Locks? Kill Switch? Storing in van or in a lock-up facility?
Extra precautions at night? Particular places/way you park? What you look out for?
Protecting during the day at work – any extra precautions taken?
Do you have anything that protects your valuables?
Safe? Hidden compartments (don’t show if revealing on video will put you at risk lol)
Do you carry any weapons? What are the problems with that? Do you have to do anything special to keep within the law in your area?
What are your thoughts on van security in general?
Do you have any tips/lessons or stories to share?
- Making Money / Saving Money in a Van
How do you currently make money (or plan to)
Did you buy your van on finance?
Are you in debt? How are you dealing with debt and what are you doing/intending to do?
Can what you are currently doing to make money be emulated by others? If so, do you have any tips for them on how they can do what you are doing?
Do you save money? Do you have a system for saving money?
What are some other ways you have made money that would suit the van-lifestyle?
- Van Expenses
Following on from yesterday’s… what does it cost to live in your van?
How much does it cost do maintain your current lifestyle?
Expenses – food, gas/petrol, parking, power, showers, events, current debts, storage, etc.
What would you need to make to comfortably cover your expenses?
What expense-related-things did you get rid of to make living the van-life possible for you?
What tips do you have to budget? Eat cheaper? Sleep cheaper? Clothes/Van-items, etc.
What have you installed that has reduced your expenses over time? (shower, solar, tent – whatever!)
What do you intend to install/do to improve your lifestyle expenses?
- Mindset – Staying Positive – Living Free
What are your thoughts / philosophies on life that help you maintain a positive attitude?
What things have you overcome and how did you do it?
What do you do when you feel lonely/sick/depressed?
Share a story – and the life lesson you got from it
What is your mantra? Do you have any affirmations that you live by that help you stay positive?
Do you have a fave quote / song / prayer / that helps or lifts you up through the rollercoaster ride of life?
How do you deal with negative energies/comments?
What is your best advice for others who are going through tough times?
- Keeping Cool / Keeping Warm in the Van
Depending on where you are in the world… what do you have that keeps you cool/warm in your area?
What purchases have you made or will you make? Costs? Effectiveness?
Air conditioning / fans / heaters / hot water bottles / ventilation / sleeping bag, etc.
What do you still struggle with and do you have a plan on how to overcome that?
- Parking Fines & Parking Problems
What problems have you encountered parking in your particular van? (police, people, fines, society, sticky-beaks, breaking things, height, scrapes, reverse parking, etc)
How do you overcome that? Or what do you do to avoid it happening again?
Have you ever got out of a parking fine? How did you do it? Or have you attempted to and still had to pay? etc.
How do you feel when you get a parking fine? What course of action do you take?
Do you have height/length restrictions in your van? What does that mean for you – what do you have to do differently because of your height/length/width?
What do you wish you had thought about prior to purchasing your van?
Do you have any tips/lessons to share about parking in a van?
- Video Equipment & Software
What are you using to record your van-videos? Are they permanently installed or hand-held or ?
What problems have you encountered with your current setup?
Are you planning on getting something better? What / How much / Why?
What are you using to edit your current videos? How are you finding it? Does it do everything you need or do you want something that has more options? Cost / Benefits / Problems
What other software do you use to create your videos? (Photoshop, Audacity, VLC, etc.)
Do you purchase images or music for your videos? Where / Cost / Why?
How long does it take to edit & render a video for uploading to YouTube?
What is on your wishlist for improving the time it takes you?
What is unique to you about how you have to create/upload videos? (internet cafe, library, mobile data, laptop power, time, etc)
If someone was starting to record today – what is your advice to them?
Do you have any tips on how people can get more subscribers to their YouTube channel?
Do you have any tips/lessons on video recording, editing, etc?
What are you still yet to learn and improve with your own videos?
- Channel Video & Video Intro
If you haven’t already – today you most definitely have enough video content to create your own channel introduction video and perhaps a small intro or outro video for your individual videos.
- Van Tour
Another van tour – we love van tours! What else have you changed since the last van tour?
What new problems are you facing / overcome?
Where have you been? What have you done?
Have you re-organized? What have you thrown-out/given away?
What do you love about van life so far?
- End of Van-Life Video Challenge
Create a video encouraging others to share their van-life.
Talk about what you have learnt over the past month, how you have grown, confidence, fears-removed
What problems did you overcome?
What advice would you give to others starting to record for the first time?
What tips do you have?
Do you have any other questions you would love other van-dwellers to answer? Why not create your own list like this and share it with your viewers
Other resources that might help you :

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