[QA] What would you want to tell the world?

IN Rants & Comments
  • Updated:7 years ago
  • Reading Time:2Minutes
  • Post Words:296Words
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Control the resources, education & the media, and you control the people. Expand beyond yourself to see the bigger picture. In fear we are weakened & separated. Seek opportunities to unite together through kindness and compassion and by being first to understand & forgive. Actively & intentionally seek the good; improving thyself instead of casting stones out to others. The ability for us to make a difference starts by being the change we wish to be in the world. It starts in our own space that we’re in, wherever we are there is an opportunity to “BE” a lantern that sends out a ripple effect that can dramatically improve current and future generations. Intend this life to be of unity, love and harmony, be grateful for this human experience, level-up to be what we came here to be. Our potential by coming together and raising each other up & supporting one another and believing in each other’s best-selves instead of dragging each other down is what we all want for each other. Work on ourselves to see where we are not living true to our souls and start value-adding by reaching deep within and shining a torch on where ‘we’ are not “being” that which we preach, instead of focusing on comparing how miserable & hard-done by we think we are compared to the next person. Hmm 15 seconds lol, I’d have to edit that down a bit… ok let’s try: “forgive now, love now”

Kute Blackson posted on facebook:

I love that his community is really on the same page as me, because if I posted the same question to my own Facebook page, it might not be so loving lol.. but maybe I’ll see how it goes one day :)

My answer is above. What is yours? Here are some other answers:

Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.