UK – Died “of” Covid or Died “with” Covid
Freedom of information requests were released by the Office for National Statistics in the UK responding to a request for “Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes” which reveals vastly different statistics to what is being reported by governments and the media.
Deaths from COVID-19 with no other underlying causes
Please can you advise on deaths purely from covid with no other underlying causes. (01)

COVID-19 deaths and autopsies Feb 2020 to Dec 2021
“Please supply deaths caused solely by covid 19, where covid is the only cause of death listed on the death certificate, broken down by age group and gender between feb 2020 up to and including dec 2021.” (02)
Please supply the number of autopsies carried out on those where covid was the only cause stated.
UK’s “Official” COVID-19 Death Stats are over 150,000!
The UK government’s official Covid-19 publicly released death numbers are more than 7 times higher than this number – Wikipedia currently states 153,913 as of 20 December 2021 – the saying “how to lie with statistics” comes to mind – how to use statistics to psychologically mess-up the entire world. Wiki does actually say “deaths within 28 days of a positive test” but omits that testing positive is essentially meaningless and omits being transparent that some of these people may of died from a car accident or gun shot wound and still tested positive in the past 28 days.

The site today (Jan 26th January, 2022) states 154,356 deaths “within 28 days of positive tests” and states 176,813 “Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate”! (03). This obviously implies and tricks the public into believing that all of these people died of some kind of covid-19 complication – no matter what they actually died from. It is a psychological manipulation tool that they haven’t corrected – they WANT people to believe in a high number of deaths attributed to COVID.
Dr John Campbell’s Response to the FOI Data
Dr John Campbell continues his awakening as he reports on this FOI with astonishment as to why this hasn’t made Mainstream Media Worldwide News. (We’re all waiting for both Dr Campbell and Dr Been to fully-awaken – they are both so close… but continue to be entrenched in the vax/anti-vax narrative and refuse to look at anything that sounds like “conspiracy theories” so they are struggling to catch up in their refusal to look outside the official data, but I believe even by looking at the data, they’ll get there eventually – it’s where I started too.
Link to Campbell’s 17 min video:
The information below relates to England and Wales unless otherwise stated:
Campbell shows the ONS calculated EXCESS deaths number (vs 5 yr average) which now stands at 127,704 people: (13th March 2020 to 7th January 2022). (04)
When you read the details below ask yourself what these people have actually died from because over 110,000 of these excess deaths have NOT been from Covid!?
Dr Campbell also goes through the contents of an FOI showing that only 17,371 people have died who ONLY had Covid-19 recorded on their death certificate (i.e. no existing co-morbidities; this is the data for 2020 and the first 3 quarters of 2021). (05)
In 2020, the Total Deaths where COVID-19 was the only cause of death listed on the death certificate was 9,400, with the average age of the vast majority being 81.5 years old.

Of these 17,371 deaths: 13,597 were in people aged 65 years and older; 3,774 in those aged under 65 yrs, with the average age of 81.5 years old for both 2020 and the first 3 quarters of 2021. He said, yes, they are still deaths, but they are much lower than mainstream media has been reporting, and that the average age of death in the UK from covid in 2021 was 82.5 years old. The average life expectancy in the UK (2018-2020 which includes the first year of the pandemic) is 79 years for men and 82.9 years for women. (06) (07)
Professor Karol Sikora and Nigel Farage’s Response
Dr Campbell also points to this statement from Professor Karol Sikora a world leading cancer specialist: “There have probably been an extra 50,000 deaths from cancer as a result of delays in treatment and diagnosis over the past 18 months” (08)
Some related Telegram channel posts on excess deaths:

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