Sodium Benzoate
Has ability to deprive the cells of oxygen, break down the immune system & cause cancer. While benzoic acid is found naturally in low levels in many fruits, the sodium benzoate listed on a product’s label is synthesized in a lab. Derived from a reaction of benzoic acid with sodium hydroxide, sodium benzoate is actually the sodium salt of benzoic acid. Sodium benzoate is a known carcinogenic additive which, when eaten or applied to the skin, gets transported to the liver, where it is supposed to be filtered, and expelled in urine, but the damage gets done before that process is completed. Sodium benzoate chokes out your body’s nutrients at the DNA cellular level by depriving mitochondria cells of oxygen, sometimes completely shutting them down. Don’t ever combine it with vitamin C or E as this causes benzene to be formed. Benzene is a known carcinogen. Parkinson’s, neuro-degenerative diseases, and premature aging have all been attributed to this infamous preservative. ~
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