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Dr. EV Rapiti

Another doctor calling out Fauci, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Gates, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media for Crimes against Humanity.


Ukraine-Russia Analysis – Archbishop Viganò

Archbishop Vigano shared a 24-page analysis of the Russia-Ukraine crisis and goes through historical references and Zelenskyy’s ties to the IMF and WEF (The Great Reset) including the media-censorship & disinformation, vaccines, UN, NATO, Biden’s ties, the European Union, color revolution, Neo-Nazis, Minsk Agreement and more.


Lara Logan “Ukraine Zelensky is a Puppet”

Zelensky was selected, like so many of our leaders. And honestly, with big tech and with election fraud these days, we don’t know how many leaders all around the world have been selected for us and weren’t actually voted in. I don’t like being lied to. And we’re being lied to on an epic scale. When we’re told your only choices, you have to be a hundred percent with Zelensky, who’s a puppet.


Putin Rejects The Great Reset? (or is he just another NWO globalist?)

Harley Schlanger says that Putin is rejecting The Great Reset and that is why the media is hyping up a war. I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, Schwab says Putin is one of them. On the other hand, there is a timeline of interesting events that we need to understand, a media of lies, a world of corruption, and NWO agenda’s to consider.


[2013] The Hidden Agenda of Monsanto, GMOs, Rockefeller & Eugenics (Engdahl)

“As I dug into the research of GMO and the patenting of seeds, I came across something that perked my ears up, and that was that the earliest research on GMO’s. was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. That interested me tremendously because I have spent years researching the Rockefeller machine – the Political machine of the most powerful family in America after WWII, and what I found out astonished even me.” Engdahl Lectures on the cohort renaming of Eugenics to Genetics and that GMO = Population Control.


[Belarus President] Aleksandr Lukashenko – Covid Corruption & Globalist Agenda

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said the World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid to impose isolation, lockdowns and curfews. Today I found a video of him addressing “Omicron” as the ideal natural vaccine to end the pandemic, and I then hunted for more videos and found some good ones calling out the globalist agenda and put them all together in a video compilation.
