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Synthetic Biology

[Legal] Bioweapon evidence [May 23, 2023]

I started going in-depth reviewing Karen Kingston’s C19=Bioweapon Patent Evidence last year, so make sure you check that out too. This new video is about 8 months after that first presentation, which includes a draft letter of demand with the legal evidence to remove the bioweapons in your area (based on Florida’s laws, you just have to customize to your own state’s laws).


Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks [Lecture]

This is a lecture by Ian Akyildiz in Oct 2022 on nanotechnology and how we can replicate nature to create intra nano body networks / nanomachines, as well as what the current limitations are (good to know), how graphene is wonderful (omitted how toxic it is), and how having zillions of nano devices in our blood cells is a “huge revolution” that will “save humanity” and make us live longer. (yeah, right).
