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spiritual emergency

Everyday you are given the opportunity to evolve. Everything is significant in our growth and expansion. What would love do?

My purpose is just to love, to be an example of unconditional love and compassion. That will either be the beacon of light or the seed that is planted that people don’t “need” to suffer. To show them that they have a choice. Red pill. Blue pill. And accept whatever journey they have come here to experience, in whatever way fits best for their own evolution. Because they are me, and I am them. Their perspective/perception and experience is just as valid and part of this whole thing as any. I am here to help those who “want” to experience it without suffering because that’s my super-power to share, that’s what I came here to learn, and that’s what I share as I learn. xo


“Limited-Beliefs” Remover to release old patterns and blockages and become Empowered

Everything that is in your reality that you are holding onto, is of your creation. If you are feeling uneasy, low, stuck, or are unable to create the life you want to have, you still have some undesired beliefs in your programming. Something you have the power to clean, discard, release. Something you have unconsciously or even consciously taken on in the past to serve you that is no longer serving your current reality. It can be let-go in an instant, it is already done, but something in our programming doesn’t believe that it can be that simple and easy. So we create processes or certain rituals to give ourselves permission to move forward in our lives. We give ourselves meaning & excuses to why we have held onto these beliefs for so long, and we use and create these modalities to surrender the old, and begin-again in the new. Here is a process I created this morning to let-go of old beliefs, step into my best-self, and vibrate higher. My “permission slips” for me to release the old and step-into the new. To create the reality I want to create.


Step into the highest version of you.

You’ve already experienced everything before. If you want to experience anything in this dimension, you just pull/receive/download that energy into “this” you. Receive it and step into it, naturally, appreciate it, intend it, focus on it, receive it into existence, open your heart to receive it, this is the way you bring things into this creation, this is how you create it, you become aware of it.


Today I woke up sad, insecure, overwhelmed.

Today Im caught up on thoughts that do not serve me. I dont know how long I have left, but whether its hours, days, months or years.. I want to live my truth. I choose to love fully. I choose to speak from a loving place. I choose to care deeply. I choose to be myself. I choose for people to know the real me not the mask that I wore all my life. That however long I have left in this experience, I choose to share who I really am, to be me.
