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Electroculture is the ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. Using basic materials like copper wire (and/or magnets) to vitalize the soil and increase yields by 100% – 300%. It also eliminates the need for fertilizer and pesticides.


Community-Led Business Models (that might just work…)

Brainstorming community-driven business models (inspired by “OneSmallTown”) where members collectively establish businesses and contribute 3 hours of their time, skills, or $40 worth of produce per week. Participants who donate their time share equally in the profits with the goal of overcoming financial hardship, hopelessness, oppression, and providing solutions to the impending financial crash.


Dr Robert Malone on who controls the world

Transcription of one of Robert Malone’s newest interviews that covers a whole range of topics, including the list of players who have functional control of the world, humanity vs. transhumanism, UN/WHO/WEF, One World Government, Great Reset, Depopulation, Wuhan, EcoHealth, DTRA, CCP, Central Banks, Prince Charles, Covid-propaganda & censorship, Gates, WEF, CDC, CEPI, Mass-formation psychosis, Wikipedia, Amazon, being attacked as Controlled Opposition, Podcasting and alt media to bypass centralized information-control, his DoD clearance, Twitter is a weapon, Mainstream media dying, Pirate radio, pharmaceutical industry is predatory and knows no moral bounds, vilifying of early treatment, and more – BIS, CIA, Climate, DARPA, DTRA, Musk, Kissinger, Rogan, Flynn, Pottinger, Callahan, NSC, Baric, Rockefeller, BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, Bank of America, CCP…


[Solutions] Freedom Business Idea (Mobile Food Van)

I’m trying to inspire a friend to look at this option as a freedom business. I think this is definitely one of those businesses that offers a lot more flexibility and freedom with the coming “Reset” than other types of investments. If I had the money, I would definitely seriously consider this in our transition out of the cabal-controlled world.


Self-sustainability | Upcycle Plastic Edition

Upcycle plastic bags, containers and water bottles for self-sustainability DIY survival hacks. Emergency clean drinkable water from plants, plastic storage container greenhouse, protecting plants from winter, self-watering plastic bottle herb planter.


Catherine Austin Fitts Brief Summary of Global Financial Reset

Brief 2 minute video explaining the Going-Direct-Reset – a plan put together by a group of retired central bankers via Blackrock to take control of the economy – shutdown small businesses, force everyone to shop at your big publicly-traded companies, move everyone into a digital world. Also a short clip on her tips which can be summarized by saying “Anytime you can make an investment that permanently reduces your expenses, you’re better off.”
