[Book] 180° How We Win I – Tactics and Communication
Author of 180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe goes through the solutions – Part I of How We Win.
Author of 180 Degrees: Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe goes through the solutions – Part I of How We Win.
The lies, gaslighting and military-grade psychological techniques used by governments and the mainstream media for decades to traumatise and mind-control the general population.
This is the best, it’s a must-watch… How Jimmy Dore started seeing through the propaganda narratives (after getting the jab). Highlights from his recent Mercola interview. Calls out all things Covid & how he got duped into the mainstream narrative and how he broke free from the propaganda. “They lied about everything!”
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Seventeen. (Another long entry – Red-Pilling of the Medical Mafia using the connection between psychiatric drugs and mass killings)
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Fifteen. This one had a friend in an agency that knew this was coming…
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Fourteen.
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Sixteen.
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Thirteen.
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Twelve.
How people have helped their loved ones see through the propaganda Part Eleven.