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Mik Andersen (pseudonym)


Intra Body Nano Network – Part 5/5 (Selective genocide)

Part 5 of 5 of the Intra Body Nano Network by Mik Andersen. Part five continues hypothesizing if this technology is in us, what it could be used for on a more devastating level regarding population control, selective genocide, and eugenics. This post also contains the references he listed in his presentation.


Intra Body Nano Network – Part 3/5 (Meat & Potatoes – the Main Evidence)

Part 3 of 5 of the Intra Body Nano Network by Mik Andersen. Part three is really the meat & potatoes of the presentation. It goes through what is in the scientific literature regarding micro and nano sensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets, Micro and Nano routers. micro antennas or plasmonic nanoantennae microsensors, micro node signals (TS-OOK) and how our phone, tablet or can be used as the gateway.


Lieberman > Lieber > HCQ > Quantum Dot > Self-Assembling NanoTech > DARPA > Nano-Networks

Today’s research took me unexpectedly down a “self-assembling nanotech” rabbit hole, and this is my “scratchpad” of notes I took following the white rabbit… it connects one of the signatories of the Lancet’s “quackery” letter at the start of the pandemic (that demonized “early-treatment”), with self-assembling graphene nanotechnology, quantum dots, DARPA, the ONS, and military-funded research to do with Self-assembled Computer Circuits and the blending of nanotech with living cells to connect the whole-body to a nano-network…. every day we find out just how much about this world we know nothing about.
