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Julian Assange (Wikileaks)

The Great Awakening [Documentary]

Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)

Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.


John Ruddick (MLC, NSW) Inaugural Speech

Newly elected MLC in NSW, Australia, calls out COVID Hysteria, Police State, Vaccine Extremism, Mandates, Excess Deaths, Ivermectin, Big Pharma, TGA, debt, Net-Zero Carbon Economy, Julian Assange, mass delusions and the indulgences scam, climate propaganda (the rebadging of global warming to ‘climate change’), carbon credit schemes, environmentalism being hi-jacked by a money-making scheme, socialism, and possible solutions to government corruption (such as anarcho-capitalism and Switzerland comparisons). (Full Transcript with my References and Commentary… )


George Christensen Farewell Speech

Quotes from George Christensen’s Federal Parliament Farewell Speech including Covid, Digital ID, World Economic Forum, Censorship, Media, United Nations, Forced Medical Procedures, China’s control, Woke Ideologies on Kids, and more


[2013] The Hidden Agenda of Monsanto, GMOs, Rockefeller & Eugenics (Engdahl)

“As I dug into the research of GMO and the patenting of seeds, I came across something that perked my ears up, and that was that the earliest research on GMO’s. was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. That interested me tremendously because I have spent years researching the Rockefeller machine – the Political machine of the most powerful family in America after WWII, and what I found out astonished even me.” Engdahl Lectures on the cohort renaming of Eugenics to Genetics and that GMO = Population Control.
