UN’s new Automated-Censorship Fact-Checking tool—brought to you by… Soros
U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’
U.N. Introduces ‘Automated Fact-Checking Tool’ To Combat What They Deem ‘Misinformation’
Free Downloads, Software & Tools for those that seek the truth.
The truth about what “vaccine misinformation” really means. “Everything we post is vetted, sourced, and cited from government databases and peer-reviewed publications.” People aren’t stupid. We can see what’s happening. Who does the censorship benefit?
Bookmark this page for quick access to download videos from the various platforms online.
A 2018 report says this 2002 patent describes a plan to identify, tag, track, and control literally everything on the planet. The patent is full of “deliberately confusing legalese,” but it basically gives the patent owner full remote-control of all moving objects on earth, including people.
“Their unquestioned plan is to embed micro-electronic control devices, either surgically or by injection, in every human being on the planet. To them, it’s all about ‘management of the world’s resources’, including you.“
The media is the main source of disinformation and misinformation – they are manipulating and programming everyone, owned and controlled by the most EVIL corporations on the planet. Understanding the media’s nefarious role in the pandemic and in our lives is critical.
Reuploaded a shortened version of last year’s Van Karaoke. I saw one of my “fun” videos on Instagram tonight and I really miss that girl. I want to remind myself to choose a better life again & ignore the haters.
Find me on Instagram https://instagram.com/journeytoabetterlife/