Anti-Democide Natural Remedies [Downloads]
My fave downloads from Tony Pantalleresco (Canadian Herbalist and in my words: anti-psychopath & anti-democide inventor).
My fave downloads from Tony Pantalleresco (Canadian Herbalist and in my words: anti-psychopath & anti-democide inventor).
Hidden Oral Infections = Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, systemic disease… more… and a method that regrew a patients gums in 2 weeks.
In process of note-taking from random PDF’s I’ve been collecting over the past couple of years to compare and see how different people are treating the assault on humanity.
After watching Dr Yanowitz’s video showing his unjabbed/unswabbed blood under a microscope, I’m once again going back in time and having to learn about Neutrophils again. Dr Yanowitz pointed out the lack of neutrophils surrounding the weird nano-structures he found in his ‘unjabbed‘ blood. Australian pathologists noticed that “black crystals” were “destroying neutrophils” in the blood of the ‘vaccinated‘. And back when I was doing the graphene research, I found that neutrophils “degrade” graphene oxide, and that the genocidal psychopaths, I mean “medical science” was having a problem getting their carbon nanotubes to work because of it.
Whilst I have no idea if it was covid since anything resembling a flu could be covid these days, I got better in less than 24 hours – here are the notes I took – symptoms and treatments. I also think everyone should add a nebulizer to their first-aid kit.
Every time I find any information on how to help/cure emphysema/COPD, I will update this post with the notes and references.
I had a toothache this morning which inspired me on a mission to see which remedies worked, but I ended up combining everything I had on hand and it worked a miracle.
Once a month, try this homemade toothpaste, it removes stains and gets into crevices that might be forming into cavities.
Baking Soda, Vinegar, Peroxide, SeaSalt, combined can be used for a once monthly clean of your teeth.
Help keep bacteria from growing on your toothbrush by keeping it in this solution in-between uses.