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Harry S. Truman

Operation Mind-Control [Book]

Have you, your community, or your government been blank-slated and mind-controlled? Would you even know it? Do you know how easy it is to manipulate your beliefs if you aren’t aware of the tricks they use? Words said whilst you are in the process of ‘seeking to recall’ a memory (accessing your visual recall bank) is an ‘in’ to re-programme you…


It’s a big club (FAMILY), and you aren’t in it…

Do the same bloodlines maintain their rule over us, or is it just a coincidence that can be explained away by “if you trace back family lineages far enough, we’d all have the same ‘Royal’ bloodline?”… Either way, it’s still evidence that should be considered—not only are they connected by all these ‘not-so’ secret societies, power corporations, etc. but perhaps it’s all by design and powerful presidents are ‘selected’ to keep political power in the family too…
