[11] – Guilt as Opportunities for Forgiveness / don’t fight the darkness
As you receive your catalyst, bless it and break yourself open to receive it with the most love of which you are capable in a stable manner.
As you receive your catalyst, bless it and break yourself open to receive it with the most love of which you are capable in a stable manner.
One’s choices can be used in either the positive or the negative sense, even when there is the seeming interference of negative entities in the manner of what many light workers call psychic attack and what we came to call psychic greetings.
Anyway, so I have these 2 conflicting experiences / beliefs. That they are either real, or a conjuring from the collation of negative-influences within my own sub-conscious. Even if they are real or not real, the answer is the same… you have to ‘be solid within’ – be aware of your own weaknesses, fears, vulnerabilities and cultivate inner-strength and an ‘environment’ that negative doesn’t like to reside/dwell. That fear or any kind of negative-influences cannot ‘run the show’ or ‘attack’ if you are not ‘open for business’ – so the answer is to be-friend that ‘negative’ exists and cultivate inner-strength and purify the negative thoughts within.
Cycle of returning to authenticity – the core of who you are – whilst harmonizing and creating newness from diversity
Trying to glean more understanding about last year’s “Dark night of the soul” experience
Do you believe in Aliens? What about Psychics? Where are you at .. how do you put the puzzle together for Life’s Mysteries?
Feel like I have my purpose back, helping people and having love and compassion again. No self-doubt now. Feel really clear.
Overlays are the illusion our minds create when we are in a situation that we don’t know whether we can handle, that we believe will be easier to deal with.
As long as an individual cannot find, cannot see any meaning, in his or her despair, he or she will certainly be experiencing peril and suffering.
I just want everyone to be happy, to be their best selves, and me too, and I’m learning that I’m still a child trying to find her way. Ignoring my own advice and learning my lessons.