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Dr Robert Young (author pH Miracle)

Operation Mind-Control [Book]

Have you, your community, or your government been blank-slated and mind-controlled? Would you even know it? Do you know how easy it is to manipulate your beliefs if you aren’t aware of the tricks they use? Words said whilst you are in the process of ‘seeking to recall’ a memory (accessing your visual recall bank) is an ‘in’ to re-programme you…


GMO Parasite Patent’s Review (I don’t see the evidence)

This is a post for me to scratch-pad out the patents that Dr Ariyana Love and Dr Robert Young put out about the GMO parasites and birth-control in the mRNA jabs. I cannot figure out how they came to the conclusion they did (and it’s pretty important for us to figure this out, because if they are right, it’s an enormous game-changer as far as treatment goes)


Neutrophils Scratchpad

After watching Dr Yanowitz’s video showing his unjabbed/unswabbed blood under a microscope, I’m once again going back in time and having to learn about Neutrophils again. Dr Yanowitz pointed out the lack of neutrophils surrounding the weird nano-structures he found in his ‘unjabbed‘ blood. Australian pathologists noticed that “black crystals” were “destroying neutrophils” in the blood of the ‘vaccinated‘. And back when I was doing the graphene research, I found that neutrophils “degrade” graphene oxide, and that the genocidal psychopaths, I mean “medical science” was having a problem getting their carbon nanotubes to work because of it.
