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USA’s “Ministry of Censorship” [Report]

USA created the same “Ministry of Censorship” that Australia is currently drafting a bill to MIMIC this exact type of agency that was setup in the US… (How it’s going…) Do you want this kind of crap in Australia? We’re three-quarters there already.


“Internet of Things” patent

A 2018 report says this 2002 patent describes a plan to identify, tag, track, and control literally everything on the planet. The patent is full of “deliberately confusing legalese,” but it basically gives the patent owner full remote-control of all moving objects on earth, including people.

“Their unquestioned plan is to embed micro-electronic control devices, either surgically or by injection, in every human being on the planet. To them, it’s all about ‘management of the world’s resources’, including you.“


Food supply Incidents #AccidentsHappen

Is it just a coincidence when Biden, WEF, and IMF predict Global Food Shortages and Large Food Manufacturers are suddenly on fire? What about this H1N1 Avian Flu with fake PCR test causing the murder of millions of chickens and turkeys? Gates buying up all the farmland, blocking out the sun, invested in the seed banks and “digitalizing” agriculture – but more importantly invested in artificial meat. UN & their “eat bugs” campaign. What else is going on? Well, I haven’t been following this narrative, but this post will be for collecting my notes as I encounter information as usual.
