More Experts Stand up for Kids [Urgency of Normal Letter]
29 more physicians, paediatricions, infectious disease experts, ICU doctors, and medical professionals write an open letter to the white house and the CDC and create a toolkit for parents.
29 more physicians, paediatricions, infectious disease experts, ICU doctors, and medical professionals write an open letter to the white house and the CDC and create a toolkit for parents.
Watch Videos of those arguing against Masks and download Mask Studies.
This is a very good resource for the vaccine injured (but also to researchers who are looking to compare symptoms).
Ontario Family Court – Relevant court case when separated parents disagree on COVID vaccinations for the kids. Judge rules in favour of mother who wants safety concerns addressed.
Because all hospitals have implemented universal testing of inpatients for SARS-CoV-2, the “hospitalized with COVID-19” numbers are inflated world-wide. CDC Says It ‘Accidentally’ Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’
Fully-referenced grave concerns for vaccines in Australia from Covid Medical Network and Australian pathologists. Despite clear evidence from government-compiled data that the cure is worse than the disease, government officials continue the Safe & Effective Narrative.
Sending your kid to school is implied consent for the jab- here are some letters to give to your school to protect your kids from these unnecessary and dangerous medical experiments. (Download letters & instructions)
Another paper (on a pre-print server) showing an increased risk of death after taking the jab. Based on US/UK data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person, and all under 80 have virtually no benefit.
Around a dozen students walked to the front of a Loudoun County school board meeting to deliver hundreds of notarized affidavits to the school board, demanding board members reverse a mask mandate and resign over recent sexual assaults by a “gender fluid” male student.
Maddie De Garay was 12 when she enrolled (along with her 2 older brothers) in the Pfizer Phase 3 Trial for Kids, and was Paralyzed for life. She’s 13 years old now and 9 months later, Maddie’s mum Stephanie gives an update warning parents “if this happens to your child – you are on your own – doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government will not help you”.