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Deep Abyss after Oneness/Seeing the Creator in Everyone (Podcast)

I sent in a question to the In the Now podcast (a podcast that discusses the Law of One), attempting to find answers and different perspectives and even help, to understand the experience I had going on 3 years ago when I had the oneness lens, and felt unconditional love for the world, and the deep-crash into the pits of hell that came afterwards. This is the transcript from the podcast.


You are not evil. (Parasites Feeding off Negative Energies)

This is an “add-on” to my last post (The dark days are over. Back to Crazy-Land!) The post was getting a bit big, so I decided to have a separate post with my notes on negative entities (of which, for the record, I’m still on the fence about, but “even if there is truth” to it, it doesn’t change much about anything, except to be aware, vibrate higher, and trust your gut.


[Bashar] Parallel Realities – Quantum Physics – Follow your Passion [Notes]

You are all worthy. If you weren’t all worthy believe me, you wouldn’t exist. Creation does not make mistakes. Thus if you exist, you belong, there is a reason why creation is not complete without you. Stop arguing with creation. Take it at its word. If you exist, you deserve to exist, and if you deserve to exist, you deserve to be who you are as fully as you possibly can. This is just simple logic.
