Convenient Deaths or Arrests (Whistleblowers)
Wow, this would be a full time job, there’s way too many, but it’s a start… at least some place to start taking notes…
Wow, this would be a full time job, there’s way too many, but it’s a start… at least some place to start taking notes…
The Great Reset is a not-so-Great Corporate Takeover
Media denies NWO existence, whilst globalists rub it in our faces. Here is a post just jot-pointing down various warnings we’ve had from politicians and other insiders about the NWO, Great Reset, & other Agendas that are playing out in our world right now.
“You have to understand the agenda, you have to understand who is bringing it about and why, before you can see the manipulations and how people are being used and manipulated to bring it about”. ~ Milton William Cooper
Unchecked media = VOODOO Mind-Control.