Super Cool Social Media Icons

IN Marketing & Wordpress
  • Updated:8 years ago
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Stumbled upon even more Super Cool Social Media Icons for your website or blog – what do you think?

Thongs/Flip Flops


Flip Flops / Thongs Social Media Icons – Fellow Aussies and beach-goers will love these social media icons :) Download for free – designed by EffBomb.

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Price Tag Social Media Icons

price tag social media
18 social media icons in a “price tag” style including twitter, facebook, linkedin, orkut, myspace etc… and it comes in two sizes in both transparent PNG & Photoshop PSD. Designed by bDeepu.

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Bold and Artistic Social Media Icons


I love how bold and colourful and really “artistic” these icons look. Can’t figure out where I’m going to use them yet but I really want to use them somewhere cos they are outstanding. Comes with all the popular social networks like Blogger, Delicious, Facebook, Flickr, Linked-in, Reddit, RSS feed, Stumble Upon, Technorati and Twitter. Download for free below.

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Modern, Clean and Customizable

modern social network icons

These modern, clean and brightly coloured social media icons are sure to catch the eyes of your blog readers, and are completely customizable via photoshop. Although they aren’t free, they are only $6 from GraphicRiver and contain 35 different networks. Very nice.

Purchase ($6) & More Info

Drinks / Poison / Medicine Bottles

A bit different, This beautiful social media icon set from includes icons for: vimeo, youtube, digg, deviantart, facebook, flickr, yahoo, reddit, wordpress, picasa, stumbleupon, rss, delicious, twitter, technorati, skype, lastfm, linkedin, myspace, designbump, blogger, msn, xing, designfloat, addthis, google+, sharethis, tumblr, bkontakte, orkut, meneame, blinklist, paypal, diigo and viadeo. And they are free. Totally awesome.

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Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.


  1. Apricum says:

    Hi Penny, thank you so much for including Apricum‘s Social Media Icons. Greetings and Hugs!

    1. No worries, they are totally awesome! You are extremely talented!

  2. Hi Penny, I am interested in learning all about social media. Only problem is I have no clue what I’m doing. I don’t really know how to use Facebook and I am clueless how to build a blog. Twitter I don’t even use. There is so much to learn and so much material to study and remember. How do you do it? You must spend hours on the computer.


    1. Yeah unfortunately, I spend all day on the computer and little time in the “real world” :) but that will change one day hehe.. I hope.. it’s on my “todo list” to rejoin the human race…

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