[Spain] What’s In The Vials? (Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid)

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A Professor in Chemical Sciences with a degree in Biological Sciences, “Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid,” has been probably the biggest pain in big pharma’s butt (confirmed again by Pfizer’s whistleblower Melissa McAtee). He has worked alongside others and published reports of their findings on ResearchGate, calling for technical discussion from the scientific community. They found graphene-like nanoparticles, an unknown composition that compares to DNA crystals generated by nanotechnological procedures, microstructures that could be nano-antennas or sensors, and more.

Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid
PhD in Chemical Sciences
Degree in Biological Sciences

C19 Vaccine - Graphene Oxide - Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra - Madrid

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration.

By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphenelike appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.

This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion. We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization.

Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra

Download Report:

Dr. Campra explains all his technical work (Video 2.5 hrs)

First English-Subtitled video of the video by La Quinta Columna in which Dr. Campra explains all his technical work and, with special emphasis, to the scientific community. (2.5 hrs) (06)

Nov 12, 2021

I haven’t had a chance to watch any more of his videos, but it seems like he has at least 20-30 of them. Here’s some: “Rumble Search results for: Pablo Campra” if you want to check some of them others. I expect most to be in Spanish, but I saw a couple of English-speaking hosts pop up when I did this search just now.

C19 Vaccine - Campra - DNA Crystals Nanotechnology


The following images have been taken by low magnification optical microscopy from a few samples of Covid19 vaccine vials “ComirnatyTM. The processing of the samples has been limited to drying at room temperature. The liquid that is observed is a gel of unknown composition that remains after dehydration.

By correlation of these images with the available scientific literature (Mik Andersen pers. comm), the crystals that appear embedded in the gel have been identified as DNA CRYSTALS generated by nanotechnological procedures. According to the literature, these crystals can be programmed to acquire highly variable configurations and functions, including intracorporeal wireless communication nanonetwork systems.

Deeper statement of this hypothesis, and literature consulted are available here: Self-assembly of DNA crystals – Feb 18, 2022 (07) (08) (09)

C19 Vaccine - Campra - Microstructures

¿inorganic crystals or Wireless Nanosensors Network?.

Here we show some objects of frequent geometries that could be observed in sealed vials from different random samples of COVID19 mRNA vaccines, using optic microscopy with bright or dark field, using low magnifications between 100x y 600X.

AS A WORKING HYPOTHESIS, some of these objects have been proposed as possible elements of a WIRELESS NANOSENSORS NETWORK (WNSN), whether as nano-sensors, as nano-routers, or as nano-antennae.

Most of these object appear after room temperature drying of samples, staying embedded in the remaining hydrogel.

As far as we know, the identity of these objects, whether mineral crystals or nanotechnological devices, has been stated by the manufacturers, nor they hay been properly characterized by independent labs. The characterization of these objects is out of the scope of this report. Our intention is just making these images of public use for technical discussion by experts in the field of crystallography or nano-communications engineering.

Download from ResearchGate

Deeper statement of this hypothesis, and literature consulted are available here. (10)

C19 Vaccine - Campra - Collection (Analysis by Mik Anderson)

Last accessed March 27, 2022:

Update: 21st Dec 2022 – it looks like his new website has been deleted (again, just like his last website). Until I get a chance to update the links to their archived version (something I don’t have time to do today), unfortunately most of the links below will be broken unless you look them up manually on https://web.archive.org/web/20220526003227/https://corona2inspect.net/

Analysis on Pablo Cambra’s Vaccine Findings (Mik Anderson)

  1. Detection of graphene oxide in aqueous suspension (Comirnaty™ RD1 = Pfizer Vaccine) (11) (12) (13)
  2. The Raman 1450 spectrum in the vials of the covid vaccinesA review of the scientific literature (14)
  3. Technical report by Dr. Campra that demonstrates the presence of graphene oxide in covid vaccines. (15)
  4. New evidence for beaded carbon nanotubes based on liquid graphene beads and polycrystalline graphite (16)
  5. Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines:
    Cracks and wrinkles (17)
  6. Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines:
    nanorouters (18)
  7. Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines:
    plasmonic nanoantenna  (19)
  8. Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines:
    self-propelled colloidal nano-worms and their relationship with PVA bubbles (20)
  9. Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines:
    Traces of DNA-Origami self-assembly (21)
  10. Evidence found that would confirm the theory of human body-centered nanonetworks: nano- rectenes (22)

Deeper statement of this hypothesis, and literature consulted available here.

Campra - ResearchGate Projects

Last accessed March 27, 2022:

ResearchGate Project(s):
(45 publications, 6 projects)

COUNTERANALYSIS OF COVID VACCINES (Researchgate Project – Dr Pablo Campra) – (Spanish) (23)

Presentation Feb 2022 (24)

The following images have been taken by low magnification optical microscopy of few samples of Covid19 vaccine vials “ComirnatyTM. The processing of the samples has been limited to drying at room temperature. The liquid that is observed is a gel of unknown composition that remains after dehydration. Through a procedure…

MICROSTRUCTURES IN COVID VACCINES: ¿inorganic crystals or Wireless Nanosensors Network?
Presentation Nov 2021 (25)

Here we show some objects of frequent geometries that could be observed in sealed vials from different random samples of COVID19 mRNA vaccines, using optic microscopy with bright or dark field, using low magnifications between 100x y 600X. AS A WORKING HYPOTHESIS, some of these objects have been proposed as possible elements of a WIRELESS NANOSENS…

Graphene detection in COVID19 vaccines by Micro-RAMAN spectroscopy
Technical Report Nov 2021 (26)

The objective of the following work has been to carry out a sampling of spectral signals of vibration RAMAN that, associated with images of optical microscopy coupled to the spectra, allows to determine the presence of graphene derivatives in samples of COVID19 vaccines marketed under four different brands. More than 110 objects have been analyzed…

Technical Report Nov 2021 (Micro-Raman Spectroscopy) (27)

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration. By this technique, called micro-RAMA…

Presentation Oct 2021 (28)

Here we show some of the more common objects that could be observed in sealed vials from different random samples of COVID19 mRNA vaccines through optic microscopy on bright field, using low magnification between 100x y 600X Some objects are accompanied by their micro-RAMAN spectra to help future identification (excitation beam 514 nm) As far as we…

Presentation Aug 2021 (29)
Provisional report ANNEX PHOTOGRAPHS
Presentation Aug 2021

IMPORTANT NOTICE The following is a microscopic, observational and merely descriptive study of a problem sample of the COVID19 vaccine. Definitive identification of the dominant material in the sample requires further fractionation and specific spectroscopic analysis to characterize the structure of the material.

Experiment Findings Jul 2021 (30) (31)

Clarification of the conclusions and verification of the authorship and authenticity of the PRELIMINARY REPORT called “DETECTION OF GRAPHENE OXIDE IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSION (COMIRNATYTM (RD1), issued on 28706/2021.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of chlorine dioxide
Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia del dióxido de cloro
Article Jul 2021 ( Alberto Rubio-Casillas & Paul Campra )
References (96)

Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is widely used as a drinking water disinfectant in many countries. Due to its antibiotic and antiviral capacity, it has aroused interest as a potential therapeutic agent with respect to the COVID-19 disease, AIDS and Influenza. As a result of this debate in scientific and governmental settings, it was deemed highly timely to provide an up-to-date assessment of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ClO2. The main findings indicate that, due to its high chemical reactivity, ClO2 is rapidly reduced in oral and gastric secretions, producing chlorite (ClO2⁻), which becomes the active agent responsible for its systemic actions. ClO2⁻ also showed potential to act as an oxidant or antioxidant depending on the concentration. Of particular therapeutic interest are the findings that, at low concentrations, ClO2⁻ can protect erythrocytes from oxidative stress while inhibiting excessive production of hypochlorous acid (HClO) mediated by myeloperoxidase (MPO), thus reversing the inflammatory responses and macrophage activation. Finally, taurine-chloramine represents the most relevant functional product formed under the influence of ClO2⁻, said molecule activates the erythroid nuclear factor 2 (Nrf2), (this transcription factor regulates the inducible expression of numerous genes for detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes) , increases the expression of heme-oxygenase (HO-1), protects cells from death caused by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), improves the expression and activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, and contributes to the resolution of the inflammatory process.

Technical Report Oct 2020
Universidad de Almería (Spain) pcampra@ual.es Abstract: The levels and conditions of toxicity of chlorine dioxide and chlorite have been determined by numerous studies and reports issued by official bodies, particularly the US government. According to these reports, there is no experimental basis to affirm that there…

Vial Contents

This one doesn't have the corresponding validating evidence/documents that us truth-seekers need, but the findings are the same as those who are more validated (excepting in her 3rd video, there's a lot of parasites and ...
Dr Zandré Botha PhD - South Africa - Certified Live & Dry Blood Analyst of 15 years says she's never seen anything like this and doesn't know what she's seeing but is sharing what she ...
Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, explained that when his patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory issues, even sometimes paralysis and late onset of heavy menstruation (women in their 60s ...
Pfizer Microscopy
Published Feb 25, 2022. Updated Apr 20, 2022 World Council for Health (with Tess Lawrie) on Covid-19 Injection Contents. Dr. Robert Verkerk Summarizes EbMCsquared Preliminary Findings from a UK laboratory who was commissioned for an ...
Professor Dr Arne Burkhart, German pathologist that was able to show some pretty strange objects in pathological examinations that have been carried out, that fitted the description of graphene. On September 20, 2021, a group ...
Dr John B has a closer look at the Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines white paper on vaccines’ compositions anonymously uploaded by The Scientists’ Club. MedicDebate Google Drive (1/n) A recently anonymously uploaded report documents ...
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty): A microscopy analysis. (1/n) A microscopy analysis of a Pfizer-BioNTech #Covidvaccine sample. The analysis was performed with bright field and phase contrast microscopy and applying rigorous scientific and hygiene standards ...
In Poland, Dr. Franc Zalewski (Geologist) did a conference showing something he named "The Thing". Corona2inspect researchers call it "Carbon nano-octopus or carbon nanoctopi " and have discovered a similar looking 'synthetic creature' in other ...
Identification of graphene oxide & microtechnology found in Cansino, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, and Sputnik vaccination vials. Be sure to download their presentation, it's absolutely stunning. Dr. Martín Monteverde & biotechnologists Anabela Femia & Lisandro Laferriere ...
Graphene oxide detected in Sinovac (CoronaVac), AstraZeneca and Pfizer vials & electronic components that generate an electric field found in AstraZeneca. Living Document. There is much to add to this post but the main Graphene ...


Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.