Reflexology: a gentle therapy for correcting and preventing ill health – Joelle Peeters

Reflexology: a gentle therapy for correcting and preventing ill health - Joelle Peeters
Reflexology is, in essence, foot massage that utilizes pressure techniques on reflex points in the feet that correspond with various parts of the body. This book does a nice job of explaining what reflexology is and how it can be used to benefit the body, whether it is to help reduce stress or help alleviate symptoms of illness.
The author uses lots of photos and colourful diagrams to illustrate what she's talking about. The chapters that cover actual techniques are well written and very concise. Even a novice can implement some of these techniques with good results. If you're interested in learning about reflexology but are more of a visual person (you like to be shown how something is done), this book is a solid start.
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