[Ra] Why they came?

This question was asked in the Facebook group.
Here are the references I found (so far):
Seems two-fold in that they are responding to our call, and as service to the one infinite creator:
76.8 We of Ra are humble messengers of the Law of One. We seek to teach/learn this single law.
2.6 Question: “What is the Law?”
Answer: “The Law is One.”
Question: “Why are we here?”
Answer: “We seek the Law of One.”
Question: “Why do we seek Ra?”
Answer: “Ra is an humble messenger of the Law of One.”
90.29 Ra: We came to your peoples to enunciate the Law of One. We wished to impress upon those who wished to learn of unity that in unity all paradoxes are resolved; all that is broken is healed; all that is forgotten is brought to light.
1.1 … We are one. That is our nature and our purpose.
… We are old upon your planet and have served with varying degrees of success in transmitting the Law of One, of Unity, of Singleness to your peoples.
… we then felt the great responsibility of staying in the capacity of removing the distortions and powers that had been given to the Law of One.
6.20 Questioner: Does the fact that we are in this transition period now have anything to do with the reason that you have made your information available to the population?
Ra: I am Ra. We have walked among your people. We remember. We remember sorrow. We have seen much. We have searched for an instrument of the proper parameters of distortion in mind/body/spirit complex and supporting and understanding group of mind/body/spirit complexes to accept this information with minimal distortion and maximal desire to serve for some of your years. The answer, in short, is yes.
14.4 (This one talks about the times attempts were made to increase the development of this third density – it’s quite lengthy)
14.10 It came to our attention that your density was distorted towards, what is called by our distortion/understanding of third density, a premature aging process. We were attempting to aid in giving the mind/body/spirit complexes of third density on your planetary sphere, more of a time/space continuum in one incarnation pattern in order to have a fuller opportunity to learn/teach the Laws or Ways of the primal distortion of the Law of One which is Love.
14.18 We came among you to aid you. Our efforts in service were perverted. Our desire then is to eliminate as far as possible the distortions caused by those misreading our information and guidance. The general cause of service such as the Confederation offers is that of the primal distortion of the Law of One, which is service. The One Being of the creation is like unto a body, if you will accept this third-density analogy. Would we ignore a pain in the leg? A bruise upon the skin? A cut which is festering? No. There is no ignoring a call. We, the entities of sorrow, choose as our service the attempt to heal the sorrow which we are calling analogous to the pains of a physical body complex distortion.
7.1 …The service available for our offering to those who call us…
7.2 … We are fortunate that the Law of Service squares the desires of those who call…
7.6 Questioner: About how many entities at present are calling from planet Earth for your services?
Ra: I am called personally by 352,000. The Confederation, is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes. These numbers have been simplified.
7.7 …constitutes a great calling which we of all creation feel and hear as if our own entities were distorted towards a great and overwhelming sorrow. It demands our service….
71.19 …wished to attempt to make reparation for distortions of this law set in motion by our naïve actions of your past.

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