[RANT] Pfizer / FDA – Court Released Docs [1st Batch]
Bad News Update from the Evil Tyrants – January 28, 2022
Although the FDA was ordered to produce at the rate of 55,000 pages per month starting on March 1, 2022. Since the government has trillions of dollars of our money, it is putting it to good use by fighting to assure that the public has the least amount of transparency possible. To that end, it has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate. Read more from those fighting this here: https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/fda-asks-the-court-to-delay-first
Original more “Celebratory” Post December 4, 2021 starts here:
So remember how Pfizer & the FDA blocked a FOI request and requested from the courts to delay handing over documents that the FDA used to approve it… that it would take them over half a century (2076) to fulfil the request?

The FDA released the first batch of documents related to Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine after a federal judge ordered that they must comply with a massive Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that was filed by a government accountability group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. (01)
Download the first batch of released documents:
Most important one:
(only 54 years, 11 months to go for the rest…)
The first release contains the first 2.5 months after FDA EUA, and includes Adverse Events (AE) including death. (02) (03)
The report only included adverse events to the vaccine that researchers considered “serious cases”:
As of February of 2021 these are the reports documented by Pfizer:
-158,893 adverse events;
-over 1,200 reports of death in the first 3 months;
-42,000 “reported” adverse events;
-23 cases of ‘spontaneous abortions’ out of 270 pregnancies;
-more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders;
-Females 3 x more likely to suffer adverse events;
-Over 11k (out of 42k) not recovered;
-Unknown case outcome for 9,400 people.

Looking at the amount of Adverse Event’s recorded for the 42,000+ is jaw dropping. What’s worse, out of the recorded Adverse Events, about 1:34 is death. (42086/1223 = 34.41)
How did this product make it through this first report?
(Oh! Oh! Oh! I know the answer! But delusional people will refuse to believe it!)
There are 9 pages of “adverse events of special interest” – all crammed together separated by ‘semi-columns’.
9 March 2022: Dr Been reviews Pfizer special interest docs
They “Redacted” the amount of doses that were shipped from the report… Why?

Data from December 1 2020 until February 28 2021 – in just 3 months, 1,223 people dead and 11,361 people still not recovered at the time of the report. 158,893 events submitted – and no ‘data’ to compare on the number of ‘doses’ – (how many ‘didn’t’ report adverse events?) – why are they keeping that data hidden and private?
Quick summary
3.1.3 Review of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs)
Cardiovascular AESIs – 3.3% of the dataset
1441, of which 946 serious, 495 non-serious
COVID-19 AESIs – 7.3% of the dataset
3359, of which 2585 serious, 774 non-serious
Immune-Mediated/Autoimmune AESIs – 2.5% of the dataset
1077, of which 780 serious, 297 non‑serious
Musculoskeletal AESIs – 8.5% of the dataset
3640, of which 1614 serious, 2026 non-serious
Haematological AESIs – 2.2% of the dataset (that’s your blood)
1080, of which 681 serious, 399 non-serious
Facial Paralysis – 1.07% of the dataset
453, of which 399 serious, 54 non-serious
Use in Pregnancy
Out of 270 unique pregnancies, 23 had a spontaneous abortion. (1:11)
Neurological AESIs – 1.2% of the dataset
542, of which 515 serious, 27 non‑serious.
Other AESIs – 19.4% of the dataset
8241, of which 3674 serious, 4568 non‑serious

How many serious adverse events have to occur in 3 damn months before you’re outraged that this is being mandated globally, and that you weren’t allowed to see this data until now?
And why is this allowed to happen?
(“Pfizer is tasked with monitoring Pfizer”)
Pfizer monitors their own product’s adverse events and submits their own safety data reports.

No conflict of interest here?

https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/pfe/press-releases (04)
I see people still falling for the ‘safe & effective’ marketing propaganda – all it needs to do is conclude that the “review of available data” is “good enough and demonstrates a favorable benefit-risk balance”. What’s the benefit-risk balance on a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate? The benefit – at least for Pfizer – is clear; It doesn’t matter how many otherwise healthy lives are lost – they are CASHING IN to the tune of $1,000 PER SECOND with a projected $36 BILLION in profit this year from the vaccine alone – it’s criminal. (05)
On Pages 13-15, they claim those that got COVID-19 after the vaccine, shouldn’t indicate lack of vaccine ineffectiveness:
According to the RSI, individuals may not be fully protected until 7 days after their second dose of vaccine, therefore for the above 1649 cases where lack of efficacy was reported after the 1st dose or the 2nd dose, the reported events may represent signs and symptoms of intercurrent or undiagnosed COVID19 infection or infection in an individual who was not fully vaccinated, rather than vaccine ineffectiveness.
Other sites related to the released documents:
- FDA Produces the First 91+ pages of Documents from Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine File – as described by the attorney for the plaintiffs that requested the Pfizer/FDA documentation. (06)
- FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant It Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data – as reported by the attorney for the plaintiffs, Aaron Siri, Nov 17, 2021. (07)
- A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”? Merriam-Webster defines “anti-vaxxer” as “a person who opposes … regulations mandating vaccination” and NBC poll finds majority of Americans oppose vaccine mandate. (08)
- One Brave ICU Physician Reporting Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries Leads to a Dozen More – Nov 1, 2021. Aaron Siri. (09)
- Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency website – Court Docs & Pfizer Docs (10)
- Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency files case against the FDA – pandemic timeline (11)
- Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. Food and Drug Administration – Justia dockets & filings (12)
- Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. Food and Drug Administration – FOIA Project (13)
- “SECOND JOINT REPORT.” – Filed November 15, 2021 – PDF (16)
- Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS – Gateway Pundit (17)
You should know that these companies are notorious liars and convicted criminals. [Public-Rap-Sheet]
Here is how the media is used to sell their drugs:
Also, learn how your whole world is an artificial, funded, weaponized illusion:
“beginners summary – (TedX) – media, wikipedia, fact-checkers”
The main organizations lying to you are your “most trusted” sources of information.
Learn More: Rigged-Media | Rigged-Agenda
They do not want their money-train to end.
Australia are “just behind” the UK, and a few days ago…
UK has announced boosters to be given every 3 months:
You cool with that? Handing your immune system over to criminals?
The eventual “goal” is to have regular boosters, and daily (pills or patch) before you leave your house – to give your immune system and mind completely over to these crooks – to attend work or to ‘shop’ – to access funds, to meet up with anyone, to travel, to breathe air?

If you haven’t figured it out already that you cannot trust what is going on, at some stage in the future you will – maybe when it’s monthly – maybe when it’s weekly – hopefully before you have completely lost all sense of logic and reason or destroyed all your relationships with those who have been trying to help you.
The spell will break, the fog will lift, and all will make sense – hopefully sooner rather than later.
This is not the solution for health, it should be obvious to all by now that you cannot trust them. Please “Be Hesitant”.
Do not trust these companies with your loved ones lives, and if you already have – please stop.
This is not the answer.
There are hundreds of “answers” if you are scared of getting sick – that are way more trustworthy than this one – they keep you in a state of ‘fear’, ‘confusion’, and ‘doubt’ on purpose – flip their messages upside down to free-yourself from this staged-psychosis, or ‘detox’ from the media for a while and have a chat to the millions who can step you through it.

- Bruce Lipton: The Virus of Fear
- Dr. Alphonzo Monzo – Detox Nanotech
- Vax Injured? Long-Covid symptoms? Fix your gut health…
- Clearing Spike Protein by Fasting (it’s the Only Way)
- Chlorine Dioxide (CDS): Vax-Injuries, Covid-Flu Symptoms, Long-Covid, Cancer, & More
- [RANT/RAMBLE] Vax Injured / Long Covid
- “If vaccines aren’t the answer, what can I do to protect myself?” [Dr Andrew Kaufman]
- Bioweapon Antidotes [Note-Taking in progress]
- Let’s help the Vaxxed in 2023 [Jason Christoff #168]
- Neutrophils Scratchpad
- 1 minute Spike-Protein Antidote (Dandelion)
- [Spain] What’s In The Vials? (Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid)
- Urgent Care Clinics that treated Covid like Asthma with Early Treatment (10,000 Patients)
- Honduras went from 70% Covid Mortality to Zero Deaths at a National Level
- “Sick” to “Cured” in 19 hours… What I did
- Politics Block Lifesaving Medicines to COVID Patients
- If you are Forced to Get the Jab…
- Stuck in a COVID Ward?
- Innate Immune System Optimization (COVID-19)
- COVID-19 Stages/Targets (Downloads)
What’s the most important thing you need help with ‘getting your head around’ right now?
- The vaccines are useless and dangerous: “unsafe, ineffective”? (18) | (19)
- The vaccine manufacturers are convicted criminals and serial offenders? (20) | (21) | (22)
- There is another agenda at play here that explains everything and makes far more sense than their fraudulent “health-advice”? (23)
- The media are all in on it? (24)
- The science and “health-advice” is rigged? (25)
- Or, do you need to lose your fear of ‘dying from covid’? (26) | (27) | (28) | (29)
(I think if you lose your fear – you’ll be more open to understanding the rest, even though all are just as important – if you’re still scared of “Covid” or “Coronaviruses”, I suggest starting there – one in fear cannot learn a damn thing, and that’s why they are keeping you ‘in fear’)

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