Download 134 pages of Marketing Charts

Just released from hubspot is 100 Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts & Graphs which contains:
- Inbound vs Outbound Marketing
(how many hrs consumers spend online, what we now do online that we used to do offline, and much more!) - Search Engine Optimization
(pre-shopping research online, % of monthly google searches for local businesses and products, some VERY interesting facts on how to get at least a 434% more increase in indexed pages, and lots more) - Social Media
(age ranges using social networking, facts on LinkedIn driving the most referrals to B2B sites, facts on Facebook generating the most conversions for B2C’s, and more) - Blogging
(graph of how many blogs on the internet, graphs of % of people reading blogs, and how they influence purchases, graph showing companies getting at least 50% more website visitors by having a blog, B2C companies that blog generating 88% more leads than those who don’t blog!, link-sharing/commenting, and lots more interesting stats – a must read) - Facebook
(graphs that show how often Facebook is used, how much time is spent, comparison of Facebook vs LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, the percentage of marketers who say Facebook is “critical” to their business) - Twitter
(40% of Twitter accounts have never sent a single tweet! age demographics, and more interesting facts about Twitter!)
100 Awesome Marketing Stats, Charts and Graphs
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