Mandela Effect
- Updated:2 years ago
- Reading Time:9Minutes
- Post Words:2443Words
Today’s topic of interest is the Mandela Effect, after watching a Discord discussion talking about it. It was a rather lengthy (3 hour) video, so here is a short Ted Talk video that discusses most of the common “Mandela Effects”:
The Mystery Behind the Mandela Effect | Bri Bennage | TEDxYouth@OCSA
Here is what ChatGPT reported as a list of the Mandela effect debates:
- The Berenstain Bears/Berenstein Bears
- Darth Vader’s “Luke, I am your father” line from Star Wars
- The “mirror mirror on the wall” line from Snow White
- The Monopoly man’s monocle
- The “Life is like a box of chocolates” line from Forrest Gump
- The “We are the champions…of the world” ending to the Queen song
- The spelling of “Froot Loops” vs. “Fruit Loops”
- The existence of a Sinbad genie movie called Shazaam
- The color of Pikachu’s tail in Pokemon
- The location of New Zealand on a map
- The spelling of “definitely” vs. “definately”
- The existence of a movie called “Field of Dreams 2”
- The spelling of “Chick-fil-A” vs. “Chic-fil-A”
- The color of the traffic light in the “Fruit Gushers” commercial
- The “Hello, Clarice” line from The Silence of the Lambs
- The number of U.S. states
- “Magic mirror on the wall” line from Snow White
- The existence of a “Berenstein Bears” TV show
- “Looney Tunes” vs. “Looney Toons”
- “Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear” warning on car mirrors
- “Skechers” vs. “Sketchers”
- “Febreze” vs. “Febreeze”
- “Jif” peanut butter vs. “Jiffy” peanut butter
- The placement of the “kit” in the “Kit Kat” logo
- The color of the Monopoly man’s top hat
- “Reese’s Pieces” vs. “Reese Pieces”
- The number of people in JFK’s car when he was assassinated
- The existence of a “Sex and the City” episode called “The Post-it Always Sticks Twice”
- “We built this city on rock and roll” by Starship
- “Beam me up, Scotty” from Star Trek
- “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” by Lionel Richie
- “We don’t need no education” by Pink Floyd
- “Play it again, Sam” from Casablanca
- “Do you believe in life after love?” by Cher
- “Hello, darkness, my old friend” by Simon & Garfunkel
- “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood” from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood
- “Mama, just killed a man” by Queen
- “Money for nothin’ and chicks for free” by Dire Straits
- “It’s too late to apologize” by OneRepublic
- “Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?” by Inner Circle
- “Sweet dreams are made of this” by Eurythmics
- “Bless the rains down in Africa” by Toto
- “The night is young and the music’s high” by Madonna
- “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone” by Johnny Nash.
The Mandela Effect is a real phenomenon, described as when a group of people adamantly believe an incident or experience occurred that never did. The term was created by Fiona Broome, in 2009 after she discovered she was one of many people who wrongly remembered Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s while the South African civil rights leader lived on until 2013.
Scientists at the University of Chicago described the Mandela Effect as, “an internet phenomenon describing shared and consistent false memories for specific icons in popular culture.” They found that it is both empirically observable as well as, so far, having no clear explanation.
These discrepancies may be due to a combination of factors, including faulty memory, accents, spellings, mispronunciations, and ego (not wanting to look foolish/argue their own memory).
In general, people who believe in the Mandela Effect remember a different version of a certain event, fact, or cultural reference than what is considered to be the actual reality. They often insist that their memory is accurate, and feel perplexed when confronted with evidence that contradicts their recollection. The discrepancy between the individual’s memory and actual reality is what fuels the Mandela Effect debate.
Some people suggest that the reason for these discrepancies could be a result of different parallel universes or alternate timelines, a glitch in the matrix, CERN, simulation theory, etc. while others attribute it to faulty memory or simply misinformation. Regardless of the cause, the Mandela Effect phenomenon has sparked a lot of curiosity and fascination in popular culture
I put up a video in my “Collection of CERN videos from different perspectives” post that postulated CERN being the cause of the Mandela Effect, and as part of this post, I also discussed the simulation hypothesis, but my ramble got so big that I had to move it to a new post.
“We Are the Champions” by Queen – Some people remember the song ending with “of the world,” while in reality, the final line is missing that phrase. “We Are the Champions…. of the World” is not actually included at the end of the recorded version of the song. The debate over the missing line has been ongoing for many years and is considered one of the most famous examples of the Mandela Effect. I just checked and ‘Cause we are the champions of the World’ is in every chorus of the official version (except for the last line), but that is still weird. They do one live performance where “…of the world” is included at the end, but the other versions do not include “… of the world” at the end, in the “last line” of the song, which is what most people remember.
“I can see clearly now, the rain is gone” by Johnny Nash: Some people remember the lyrics as “I can see clearly now, the rain has gone”.
- The Berenstain Bears (many people remember it as “Berenstein Bears”)
- Shazaam / Kazaam – In one of the most popular instances of the Mandela Effect, people adamantly claim that there’s a 1990s movie about a genie called Shazam, starring actor and comedian Sinbad. The obvious explanation would be that those who remember this are simply confusing this with a 1996 film, Kazaam, about a genie starring Shaquille O’Neal, and conflating it with one of the several Sinbad movies from the same time. Shaquille O’Neal has starred in several movies throughout his career, including “Blue Chips” (1994), “Kazaam” (1996), “Steel” (1997), and “Grown Ups 2” (2013), among others. In the movie Kazaam, Shaquille O’Neal played the title character Kazaam, a 5,000-year-old genie.
- Interview with The Vampire – Some people remember the title of the 1994 film as “Interview with the Vampire,” while others remember it as “Interview with a Vampire.”
- Sex and the City/Sex in the City – Some people remember the popular TV show as “Sex in the City,” while the actual title is “Sex and the City.”
Pikachu’s tail – Fans of Pokemon remember Pikachu as having a yellow tail with a black tip like his ears, however Pikachu’s tail has never had a black tip.
“Hello, Clarice” – Silence of the Lambs – There are some people who remember Hannibal Lecter saying “Hello, Clarice” in the movie, but the actual line is “Good morning“.
Someone dubbed over it here to illustrate the Mandela effect
“Beam me up, Scottie” – Star Trek: No one in the show ever actually says “Beam me up, Scottie”. The closest is “Scottie, Beam me up” by Captain Kirk, and “Beam us up, Scottie” in the animation version, and there are various combinations of “Captain, Beam us up”. or “Scottie, beam us up“, “Scott, Prepare to beam us up,” “Beam us up, Mr Scott”, or Scott, beam us up”.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The famous line from the original 1937 Disney animated film movie is “Magic Mirror on the Wall“. (There are several cartoons and movies made since 1937 that contain “Mirror, mirror on the wall”, so maybe we’re just remembering a different version. Even Diana Ross’s song’s chorus in her song “Mirror Mirror” is “mirror mirror on the wall”.)
“Luke, I am your father” – Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back – One of the most famous Mandela Effects is the misquoting of Darth Vader’s line to Luke Skywalker. Many people remember the line as “Luke, I am your father”, but the actual line is “No, I am your father“
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” – The actual quote from the movie Forrest Gump is “My momma always said, ‘Life WAS like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’ Confusion might be because there is a scene where his mum is in bed and says “Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest”… (timestamp 12:30) but I certainly remember Forrest saying “is”, not “was”.
“Play it again, Sam”—The actual quote from the movie Casablanca is “Play it, Sam.”
“If you build it, they will come” – Field of Dreams, the line is actually “If you build it, he will come” – even the actor, who spoke the line, Kevin Costner, quotes “If you build it, they will come” in an interview. Did he remember his own line wrong?
Risky Business – Tom Cruise plays in a legendary scene in the film Risky Business where he’s depicted dancing in nothing but a button-down shirt, his tighty-whities, and a pair of sunglasses. However, in the scene and contrary to popular belief, Cruise is not wearing sunglasses.
Someone has added the sunglasses to the scene as the way they remember it:
“You like me, you really like me!” was the line in Sally Field’s award acceptance speech that we all thought we heard. In reality, she said, “I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!”
Mona Lisa: People’s memories differ, but let’s face it, the painting is famous for the mysterious “Mona Lisa smile,” the hidden smile. Some remember her with more of a smile; others remember her looking “super-serious”. The black veil she is wearing is not remembered by one of the videos I watched. Regarding the smile, there is a clear difference between the Mona Lisa painting in the movie “The Da Vinci Code” and the real painting. Da Vinci also apparently had a certain technique he used where the smile looked different depending on the angle; if you looked at the mouth close-up, you wouldn’t be able to tell if she was smiling, but when you saw the whole painting, the smile would be revealed.
- The location of New Zealand: Some people remember New Zealand being located to the northeast of Australia, while in reality, it is southeast of Australia.
- The spelling of the country “Colombia”: Some people remember it being spelled “Columbia” instead.
- The number of U.S. states is 50, but some remember it as 51 or 52.
- This site has heaps more Geography Mandela Effects
The Monopoly man never had a monocle
“Jif” peanut butter vs. “Jiffy” peanut butter
“Looney Tunes” vs. “Looney Toons” (Tunes is the correct spelling, not Toons)
KitKat vs Kit-Kat – the classic chocolate bar has never had a hyphen in between Kit and Kat. People also remember different (non-existent) versions of the Coca Cola logo. This video remembers a tilde ~ sign, this post shows the 130-year evolution of the coca-cola logo.
Ford logo having a “pigstail” added to the F that no one remembers.

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