Mummy-Daddy Triggers & Being The Change
- I see what’s coming and I forgive them before they hurt me
- Being the better person; evolving
- Mummy-Daddy issues: my parents are the only ones that can trigger me
- Find more loving/expansive people and help people together
Original (Longer) Version: Emotional triggers: plan to leave
- Hurtful comment from mum has got my mind spinning about “when to go”
- Dad has cancer
- Need online business to ‘travel’
- Van Dwelling
- What I need to do before I leave
- My work is my science-experiment
- I see what’s coming and I forgive them before they hurt me
- Being the better person; evolving
- Mummy-Daddy issues: my parents are the only ones that can trigger me
- Find more loving/expansive people and help people together

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