Financial Freedom & Ideas on how to navigate the coming Financial Crash
- Updated:3 years ago
- Reading Time:23Minutes
- Post Words:6002Words
This is a channel I just did a post about that breaks down a lot of the social credit system stuff in regards to the great reset, but she has actually a lot more videos on Financial Freedom, so I thought I’d create a separate post for these videos in case it helps someone.
These videos are more focused on financial freedom:
How I saved my first $100,000 (my formula)
This is how I saved $100K by the age of 27 (I think). Not saying I’m not sure if I actually saved the money, I just don’t know what age I did it by. But I think it was 27.
In this video, I’m going to share with you my money-saving formula. But in a lot of ways, it’s not necessarily about “save X% every month”, it’s more about the larger-scale philosophies that I’ve used in my life to grow my income, that’s allowed me to save more.
I’d love to hear what are the things that have stopped you from succeeding in your money-saving journey more than you’d like, as well as the things that we can help you with in future.
So much love to you.
0:00 – A beautiful introduction
0:31 – Figuring out when I saved $100K
2:00 – The story that lead to my saving
4:24 – A journey of learning
6:09 – Hard work meets opportunity
6:59 – My money-saving formula
7:14 – Part One: Sacrificing comfort for the unknown
9:04 – Part Two: Understanding business
10:16 – Part Three: Living well below your means
10:45 – Part Four: Actually saving
12:41 – A better place to put your savings
13:10 – An ending in a van
How to start a $1 MILLION business this weekend
Here’s how to start a million dollar business in a weekend. Or at least, come up with the idea for it!
Noah Kagan is one of the world’s best when it comes to launching businesses fast, and taking them to large amounts of sales in VERY short periods of time. And according to Noah, he has a few simple rules to creating a business idea in a weekend, that could go on to make over $1 million. Just like Noah has done MULTIPLE times.
I’ve edited Noah’s philosophy a little, and cut down what I’d do to create a $1 million business idea in a weekend, infusing my own experience in starting businesses. Hopefully, both Noah and I can be two great teachers for you in this regard!
0:00 – Introduction
1:02 – Noah Kagan’s philosophy on launching businesses
2:17 – Why timelines are so important
3:39 – Step 1: Find a profitable idea
6:49 – Step 2: Create a simple offer
9:07 – Step 3: Price your product or service
12:30 – Step 4: Find customers
16:48 – Outro
Why the rich own NOTHING (and you should too)
Own nothing, control everything: this is a saying that sums up why rich people own nothing. And although that may sound like a strange concept, I’ll explain it all in this video.
Long story short, in many cases for asset protection, tax benefits, and to increase your profits, it’s not beneficial for you to actually own your things. In some cases, a company, trust, or other similar entity can own these for you, that have a host of benefits. And this is a tactic that many rich people use to their advantage… and you can as well.
0:00 – Introduction
0:28 – Why you should never do business as yourself
0:56 – What “Own nothing, control everything” means
1:57 – Why entities are beneficial when it comes to lowering tax
3:10 – Some of the surprising tax deductions you can make
4:24 – Trusts, and why they’re amazing
6:12 – Why owning things personally can be a better idea
8:52 – A warning on things getting complex
9:40 – Legal, always
11:23 – Outro
My millionaire success habits that cost literally NOTHING
Wanna know my millionaire habits that helped me succeed? In this video, that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you all. Or at least, the things I believe helped me get to where I am today.
From my years and years of studying the habits of successful and rich people, there are a few things I think stand out, that seem to be similar across the board, or shared habits of many of the world’s richest people. On top of that, there are things I personally know help me perform, and that I see help me succeed when I implement them in my life.
Let me know which (if any) of these you do in your own life, or which of these habits of millionaires you think you’ll implement yourself.
NOTE: In the section after 4:40 it states that millionaires spend 6% of their time watching reality TV, and poorer people spent 7X% of their time watching reality TV. This is an incorrect statistic from the book mentioned. It should state that 6% of wealthy people watch reality TV, and 7X% of poorer people watch reality TV.
I hope you enjoy!
0:00 – Introduction
1:23 – Let’s begin
1:44 – Great minds discuss ideas
3:47 – Every issue is a problem to be solved
4:40 – Watch what you consume
6:47 – Have role models and/or mentors
7:37 – Make finances a priority
9:30 – Have a mindfulness practice
10:47 – Push your comfort zone regularly
12:10 – Fall in love with failure
13:57 – Find a support group
14:09 – Outro
Financial freedom living in a van (feat. Max & Occy) – Vanlife
Can you achieve financial freedom by living in a van? Well yes. And in today’s video, I’m going to share someone with you who has done exactly that.
Today I’d love you to meet Max and his dog Occy. They live in an incredible van in Australia, and have achieved financial freedom, and escaped the “traditional” way of living. And considering I’m renting Max’s van off him for the next month and a half while I spend a little time in Australia, I really wanted to share his story, and how he achieved financial freedom in a less-than-normal way.
Yes, Max’s van is big and expensive. But you definitely don’t need to go that big. I know several people who have done this with much tinier budgets, so don’t let that scare you off if you’re wanting to try out van life.
Really looking forward to hearing what you think about this one!
0:00 – Defining my ultimate freedom
1:01 – Introducing Max & Occy
2:09 – Showing off Max’s van
3:08 – The mindset of alternative lifestyles
5:37 – The cost of living van life
7:01 – How to make money living on the road
8:30 – Skillshare sponsorship
9:45 – Why living in a van provides freedom
12:53 – Max’s final thoughts
14:34 – My turn to test van life
Buying Gold and Silver for Beginners (How To)
Here’s my “how to” guide to buying gold and silver for beginners. If you’ve never struck out into the world of investing in precious metals, or even investing at all, the thought of knowing where to start may be a little daunting.
But don’t worry – I’ll hopefully clear up a lot of that confusion in this video! I cover the difference between just trading precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, and having them actually owned by you; that you either keep personally, or that’s stored for you in a safe (and insured) vault around the world.
This is the service I’ve personally used for years to store precious metals in vaults around the world for years. The link above is an affiliate link, so please use that if you’re considering using Goldmoney to help support this channel.
0:00 – Introduction
0:47 – The way I look at investing
2:20 – Why I wouldn’t invest in gold and silver early
2:56 – The slow growth strategy
3:39 – The difference between precious and commodity metals
4:21 – Trading vs owning precious metals
4:44 – Why precious metals are a safe investment
6:22 – Starting your precious metal portfolio
7:14 – How owning gold and silver changes your mindset
8:29 – How to buy and store gold and silver (and costs)
10:27 – Where I store my gold and silver (Goldmoney)
11:58 – Tax, asset reporting, and ownership of precious metal
12:41 – Outro
How to invest your first $1,000
How to invest your first $1000. In this video, I’m going to share with you something many of you have requested, but for some reason I haven’t had a chance to discuss yet in more than 50 videos. Basically, how I’d invest $1K if I was starting again.
First off though, I’m going to give you two of the most important investment lessons I possibly could, that will be useful no matter what you choose to put your money into. Then secondly, I’m going to cover four tactics or strategies of where I’d personally put my own cash if I were starting with only a grand.
Hopefully this will help you get some clarity on where may be some wise places to start investing. And let me know below if you need more clarity at all.
0:00 – A sunny introduction
0:22 – Learning to invest will set you free
1:50 – My current investing strategy
2:32 – LESSON 2: Get Interested
4:11 – LESSON 2: Seek Good Advice
6:11 – Investing in knowledge
8:01 – Investing in business
9:06 – Investing in precious metal
10:17 – Investing in cryptocurrency
11:40 – Investing in your debt
12:16 – Some final thoughts
Why you should NEVER do business as yourself
Why you should never do business as yourself. This may sound counter-intuitive, but doing business as yourself – or as a sole proprietor – is a very bad idea in general. In this video, I’m going to explain why.
A sole proprietor or sole trader is a type of business structure where you’re effectively working as yourself. A better was to structure the way you do business, whether you are a solo person or not, is via a company structure, corporate entity, trust, or similar. This may all sound confusing, but I’ll explain more in this video.
So whether you’re trying to lower your tax, save more money, get better banking options, or set yourself up globally for increased freedom, you’ll learn a lot in this video about why you doing business in your own name is a bad idea.
0:00 – Introduction
0:51 – The concept and who it’s for
1:40 – A legal disclaimer
2:03 – The difference between you and an entity
3:23 – Bad idea one: Liability
6:06 – Bad idea two: Tax
9:24 – Bad idea three: Location Limitations
13:10 – The solution
16:25 – Outro
How to monetize any hobby, skill, or passion (MY 10 HACKS)
Ever wanted to learn how to make money from your hobby, or passion? In this video, I’m going to share with you how I turned my hobby into a business, and what I learned along the way. Or at least, I’m going to try and fit as much in here as best I can.
Although I didn’t know it at the time, I’ve figured out four questions you can ask yourself when it comes to making money from your own hobby, skill, or creative outlet, as well as ten simple rules you can follow when taking your hobby or passion and turning it into something that makes money for you. And you can use this to monetise a side-hustle, or a fully-fledged business.
This is by no means everything you’ll need to learn on the subject, though it’s the best I can do with a sub-20 minute video. If there’s one very important thing to note, is that when turning anything you’re good at into a business, the only thing that will really pay is time, effort, making mistakes, and experience. In short, DOING.
0:00 – Introduction
0:51 – This video’s three main sections
1:10 – How I did it
2:08 – The backstory
5:01 – Branding my idea by accident
5:28 – Monetising my passion
6:33 – Marketing 101
8:16 – The four questions
9:38 – Guidelines and strategy summary
9:58 – Rule one: What value are you providing?
11:34 – Rule two: Get better at your skill or passion
12:04 – Rule three: Give free information as proof of value
13:03 – Rule four: Get better at marketing and sales
15:29 – Rule five: Infuse your personality
16:02 – Rule six: Find a monetisation strategy that works for you
17:02 – Rule seven: Make an exceptional product
17:13 – Rule eight: Nurture your community
17:26 – Rule nine: Market, sell, test, refine, repeat
17:49 – Rule ten: Just START
18:06 – Outro
What I learned growing a $1 Million business ALONE
Here are the pros and cons of running a one-person $1 million business. Not many people know, but I grew my business to over a million dollars in sales completely alone. No staff, very little in the way of outside contractors, or other help.
Luckily for me I’ve changed a lot of this over the last few years, and have become better at getting help. Though I will admit that some things still haven’t changed; like the fact that I still don’t have a full time employee. So in this video, I’m going to share with you some of the pros and cons I’ve discovered along the way when it comes to growing a business solo, and what I’d do differently next time.
0:00 – Introduction
0:44 – Solo $1 million businesses
2:03 – Some things to note
4:35 – What was my business exactly?
7:55 – Pros of running a one-person business
10:18 – Cons of running a one-person business
13:30 – Outro
One Person Businesses That Make $1M+ Per Year | The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)
Every single way I make money (15 METHODS)
Every single way I make money online and in the real world. You’ve been asking for this video, so here it is: absolutely every way I make money online, as well as in what we call the physical world.
I’ve been wanting to create this video for a while. Not only because many of you have been asking for it, but because I wanted to inspire you to how many possibilities there are to earn an income online, as well as in the real world. Some of these may be out of your reach at the start (like real estate), though most of these methods you may be able to start capitalising on now with your existing knowledge. So if you’re looking for a new side hustle, or something that could become your career, this video could be for you.
A lot of this is about diversification also, and showing you that I don’t put all my eggs in one basket.
0:00 – Introduction
1:14 – Every single way I’ve made money
1:56 – 1. Real estate
3:43 – 2. Precious metals
4:45 – 3. Cryptocurrency
5:24 – 4. Selling downloadable products
6:24 – 5. Selling courses
7:05 – 6. Publishing deal
8:01 – 7. Royalties
8:50 – 8. Content sponsorship
9:33 – 9. Affiliate sales
10:28 – 10. YouTube ad revenue
10:47 – 11. In-person events
11:08 – 12. Online events
12:09 – 13. Online coaching
12:46 – 14. Consulting
13:21 – 15. Freelancing
14:05 – Outro
How I Became An Overnight Millionaire
I became an overnight millionaire: or did I? It wasn’t too long ago that I started talking publicly about the fact that I’d become a millionaire by 30. Before that to many people, I was a YouTuber, but I didn’t speak a lot about my finances. I’d dropped hints here and there, but nothing major. So to a lot of you looking to find out how to become a millionaire, it seemed like I did this overnight. It’s not exactly the case. Although my success seemed to happen all at once in my ways, there was a lifetime of preparation, lessons, and knowledge that I’d acquired beforehand to make that possible. And it’s these lessons I’m aiming to pass on to you as much as I can through this new venture I’m undertaking called Abundantia.
0:00 – Introduction
1:04 – The early days
3:45 – Jobs & becoming an entrepreneur
06:45 – Leaving Australia
08:48 – Becoming a YouTuber
11:03 – The start of financial success
12:33 – Becoming a millionaire
14:19 – Sharing this knowledge
The world’s worst financial thief
Wealth inequality might be the world of finance’s most dangerous lie. The thing is, wealth and income inequality are real things. However, the reason it exists isn’t what you think. What you’re normally told is nothing but a financial illusion.
I’m sure you’ve heard the narrative by now; that you should be blaming billionaires and the richest people on the planet for wealth inequality. And a lot of the time, you’re hearing this from politicians, including possibly the leaders of your own nation.
The truth is, the people doing much of the finger-pointing (your leaders) are the ones who are actually to blame. And it all comes down to their money printing, which leads to massive inflation, as to why inequality keeps happening. And in reality, it’s all due to an asset gap, not so much an income gap.
0:00 – A great financial illusion
0:55 – Wealth inequality isn’t the problem you think
1:29 – Inflation: an economic thief
3:51 – How inflation benefits the rich
5:51 – Masterworks insert
7:00 – Who is really creating wealth inequality
10:07 – Some final thoughts
NFTs for dummies (my explanation)
What the hell is an NFT? I was asking that same question myself recently, and luckily I’ve found a few answers.
I’m going to be honest: I’m fairly new to this NFT world as well. However, I wanted to cover what I’ve learned so far on my journey through studying NFTs, to hopefully shed some light on the subject for those of you who are confused about it all.
I know you probably have a lot of questions, so feel free to leave them below so I can elaborate more on NFTs and crypto in a future video.
0:00 – I tried to ignore the hype
2:11 – What is an NFT
3:10 – About the current hype
5:12 – Concerns about NFTs
6:48 – Skillshare Insert
7:44 – Future uses of NFTs
9:27 – Are you already too late?
10:29 – Am I making an NFT?
11:36 – Some final thoughts
22 ways to save money in 2022
How to save more money in 2022. After a little break, I thought I’d start off this year with something that many people still seem to struggle with: saving money.
Everything from becoming passionate about money, frugal living hacks, to paying off debts, and putting your money in better places that’ll actually earn you interest, in this video I’m covering a exactly twenty-two methods on how you can save more money this year, that hopefully you’ll put towards an investment, or something wise like a deposit on a home.
0:00 – A good beginning to 2022
0:31 – Use an ad blocker
1:01 – Say goodbye to Netflix
1:38 – Eat more at home
2:03 – Learn to meal prep
2:37 – Delete Instagram and Tiktok
3:18 – Learn for free
4:02 – Automate your savings
4:40 – Embrace minimalism
5:31 – Record and track your expenses
6:12 – Get your money out of banks
6:49 – Cancel subscriptions
7:20 – Change your energy supplier
7:58 – Prioritise paying off debt
8:44 – Renegotiate your insurance
9:08 – Renegotiate your salary
9:56 – Pack a work lunch
10:24 – Use your company for expenses
11:17 – Make coffee or tea at home
11:51 – Cancel your gym membership
12:15 – Get your fashion at thrift stores
12:51 – Reevaluate your social activities
13:36 – Become passionate about money
14:18 – Outro
How I’d start with no money (the McDonald’s formula)
This is how I’d start from zero, with what I’m calling “The McDonald’s Formula”. And don’t worry, this has nothing to do with flipping burgers.
Recently, I saw an interview with one of my financial heroes Robert Kiyosaki, who said that if he had to start again with no money, he’d go and work at McDonald’s. No, he wasn’t suggesting he’d get rich from selling burgs. He was touching on a few financial principles that anyone should learn if they’re starting from nothing.
I’m also going to share what I’d do if I had to start again. Hopefully, this will give you some insight.
0:00 – How Robert Kiyosaki would start again
1:31 – The “McDonald’s Formula” to starting from zero
1:56 – Lesson One: Take care of your basic needs
3:47 – Lesson Two: Level up your skills
5:49 – Lesson Three: Learn to serve a need
6:34 – So, what would I do?
8:13 – The ending
One book to change your life (vision book)
My vision book: the one book responsible for all my success. If I told you that this single goals book – or whatever you want to call it – is literally the main reason I’ve succeeded at EVERYTHING in life, it may sound far-fetched. But trust me, it’s the truth.
It may sound like some hippie nonsense, but there’s real science to the fact that setting goals not only helps keep you on track, but actually makes you more likely to hit those goals. And in my opinion, I find this to be the truth.
I’m going to be a little esoteric here, but if you really wanna achieve success, I highly suggest trying not only setting goals, but setting very specific goals.
0:00 – Snow day
0:26 – The one book responsible for all my success
2:45 – How to write S.M.A.R.T. goals
4:41 – Sponsorship message
5:31 – Showing you my vision book
7:36 – Categorising your life for success
8:05 – Creating a new vision book
11:44 – Final thoughts on goal setting
These words will keep you POOR
These are the words that will keep you poor. I’m a big believer in that you can speak your reality into existence. But not necessarily just in the woo-woo hippie way, in a real and tangible way that I’ve seen time and time again in my own life.
I’ve spend a lot of my life around wealthy and successful people. And one thing that I can say without fail, is that they don’t talk poorly about their financial situation. Now you may think that the way they speak about money is BECAUSE of the situation they’re in, but what if (even only partially) if they got out of a situation of lack or being poor, because they changed the way they spoke about money?
I know I’ve done a few videos on this kind of mindset over the last few weeks, though I’m still getting questions, so I thought it deserved a follow up.
0:00 – Poor is a state of mind
1:56 – Introduction
2:47 – Why words matter
5:11 – How to reframe the way you speak about money
5:39 – Fixing money “curse words”
11:43 – It’s also what you are consuming
12:02 – You must take action
13:02 – The end
How to rewire your brain for WEALTH
How to rewire your brain for wealth. In this video, I’m going to get a little metaphysical – but trust me, it’s for a good reason. Stay with me.
Regardless of how you’re trying to succeed in the world of money – whether it’s starting a successful business, investing, or just trying to get rich – your mindset matters more than you might think. Yes, taking massive action, having a great plan, having an idea learning, and growing all matter. But how you think about money, and your beliefs around it, are the bedrock this is all built on.
Keep an open mind for this one. I definitely don’t believe you can just think your way into riches, or being successful. That’s absolutely not true. But your mind has more power over your reality (and your wealth) than you might think.
Download link for determining your values:
0:00 – Words of wisdom
0:33 – Why rewiring your mind is important
1:44 – Intro
2:31 – Are you an action taker?
3:10 – Wealth is nothing but service
3:46 – Check in with your values
4:34 – “1,000 Reasons” exercise
5:30 – The $10,000,000 question
6:44 – Understand the energy of money
7:03 – Manage your money wisely
9:29 – Congratulations
10:25 – Outro
How to start from NOTHING
How to start from nothing. One of the most common questions we’ve got on this channel since starting is “How do I start from nothing?” or “How to I get a business off the ground from zero?”
This is a difficult question to answer. Mostly, because I can’t tell you how to start every different type of business – I only know how to effectively start the businesses I’ve personally been involved with. And succeeding with a digital sales business is much different than starting a car dealership.
But there’s one simple thing I can tell you that’s helped me over the years when it comes to starting businesses, that so many people never do: they never start at all.
(Obligatory ?? “Started from the bottom now we here!”)
0:00 – Showing comments from my YouTube
0:18 – My upbringing
2:34 – Intermission
3:37 – Why I don’t like motivational videos
4:02 – If you don’t do it, someone else will
6:19 – Start then learn, don’t learn then start
8:26 – Never trying will be more painful than failing
10:02 – Act like the dumbest person in every room
11:53 – Credit to Andrew Kirby’s video
12:04 – Outro
Huge credit to @Andrew Kirby for summing up very coherently the concept of “start then learn, don’t learn then start”. Please do check out his video via the link below. It’s short, and very sweet.
Start, then learn. Don’t learn, then start.
How to turn your knowledge into an online business (the “THREE Cs”)
Want to turn your knowledge or skills into an online business? Making money online using your existing skills, hobby, or knowledge is something that just about everyone wants to achieve. However, not everyone knows where to start.
I’ve been making a full-time living selling courses and coaching online for almost six years, and in his 20s, my partner Leon has been a high-ticket consultant to some of the biggest brands and companies on the planet. These are what we call the “Three Cs” of monetising your knowledge: courses, coaching, and consulting.
In this video, I aim to give you an overview into how I’d start an online business by monetising my knowledge if I had to start again today: no social media following, no email list, and no other assets to draw on.
This is the longest video we’ve done so far, but it’s PACKED with info.
0:00 – Introduction
0:54 – Going deeper into the practical stuff
1:41 – The “Three Cs”
1:59 – What is your knowledge?
4:34 – Courses
7:25 – Where to sell your course
11:29 – Coaching
13:54 – How to sell your coaching
17:27 – Consulting
20:04 – How to sell consulting
23:59 – Outro
My TRINITY investing strategy ($1.8M so far)
My triple (or “Trinity”) strategy for investing. It may be slow, it may be boring, but in this video I’m going to cover off my three-way, triple, trifecta or Trinity investment strategy, covering the main three things I invest in time and time again.
Get up to $250 in free Bitcoin on your first deposit, and earn up to 7.50% APY in interest on your holdings, by signing up via the link above.
There are of course, other things apart from the three main investment vehicles I’m going to talk about in this video that I have put my money into. Things like precious metals like gold and silver. However, these are more things that I use to preserve my wealth, not that I’m relying on making me income. So I’m not including them in this video.
So, let me share with you some insights into property investing, business investing, and crypto investing, all of which I love, and believe in.
0:00 – Meet “Trinity”
1:40 – Intermission
2:45 – Slow, steady, safe, and ethics
4:18 – My three-way investment strategy
4:39 – 1. Property
7:50 – 2. Business
9:11 – 3. Cryptocurrency
10:37 – My favourite investment
12:20 – The end
The MYTHS and LIES we’re told about Bitcoin
Lies and myths we’re told about crypto, especially Bitcoin. Today, you can’t turn on the news, or open your feed, without hearing something about crypto. Some is positive, but a lot of what’s being pushed is negative.
Get up to $250 in free Bitcoin on your first deposit, and earn up to 7.50% APY in interest on your holdings, by signing up via the link above.
For example, I’m sure that you’ve heard Bitcoin is bad for the environment. But is it really though? And is crypto a tool for those who have nefarious intentions, to hold their money where nobody can find it? And lastly, is crypto used for people to evade tax? These are the subjects I’ll be addressing in this video, and probably busting some myths along the way.
0:00 – Introduction
1:04 – A revolution in money
2:30 – Who benefits from the narrative?
3:38 – Lie #1 – Crypto is used by criminals
6:05 – Lie #2 – Crypto is bad for the environment
9:08 – Lie #3 – Crypto is used for tax evasion
11:27 – Staying up to date
12:07 – Outro
The False Narrative Of Bitcoin’s Role In Illicit Activity
Research: Bitcoin Consumes Less Than Half The Energy Of The Banking Or Gold Industries
How I Invested My First $1 Million (Gold, Crypto, Property)
I didn’t think I’d be talking about how I invested $1 million so early on in my investing journey considering I only started a couple of years ago, though really I didn’t kick it into high gear until 2020. At some point last year, I had invested a total of $1 million since I’d started investing, and I wanted to share with you all how I approached it.
I haven’t reached the complete level of diversification that I’d like, though I’m doing pretty well so far in terms of how early stage I think I am when it comes to my investments. Hopefully, there are at least a few things you can learn from my approach, and what I did/didn’t do on my path to investing a total of $1 million.
For the most part, my investments are a mixed bag, primarily in property (and value-adding renovations), crypto, precious metals like gold and silver, and a little diversified cash. However, there are some more investments that I’d like to add in future, which I talk about in this video.
0:00 – Introduction
0:47 – The Importance of Diversification
1:00 – Property
2:13 – Shares and Stocks
3:04 – Precious Metals
4:22 – Cryptocurrency
5:14 – Business
6:09 – Cash
7:43 – My Future Plans
10:15 – Outro
10:40 – How I Can Help
This post was getting very big, so I split it up into two posts. This post is her videos on financial freedom solutions & ideas on how to navigate the coming financial crash, and the other post is focused on Digital ID, Great Reset, and how the system is rigged, calling out the World Economic Forum, climate hysteria, BlackRock, Trudeau and more:
WEF, Davos, Digital ID, Cashless, Global Reset, & How the System is Rigged
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Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.