“Experts” Silenced by Policy
Research valid as at 27 September 2021
Index of Downloadable Refs:
“List of Verifiable References”
- “Experts” Silenced by Government Policy including our own doctors who we’re told to go to for honest advice
- Health professionals cannot voice their professional medical opinion if it doesn’t match the government’s medical opinion or interferes with the governments vaccination policy.
Our “Experts” are Silenced by Government Policy
We’re advised to “talk to your GP about the COVID-19 vaccines and what would be best for you in your circumstances”, but AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) is telling our doctors that they will face regulatory action if they express any concerns that differs from the current government health advice.
How can we trust that we are getting honest medical advice from health professionals who have a regulation agency threatening that their advice mustn’t contradict the government’s health advice or interfere with the government’s vaccination rollout under threat of their licence?
“Get advice from the experts”
Make sure you access the best, most accurate advice when making decisions about your own or your loved ones’ health. For general information about COVID-19 and vaccines, the Commonwealth and state and territory Department of Health websites are the most accurate and up-to-date sources of information. You can also talk to your GP about the COVID-19 vaccines and what would be best for you in your circumstances. Other people who can provide quality and evidence-based advice include appropriately trained registered health practitioners. You can trust that they have the qualifications and expertise to provide the best advice.
August 2021 https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2021-08-30-Joint-statement.aspx
Talk to someone you can trust, like your GP. Community leaders are also working with GPs and other registered health practitioners to share reliable sources of information about COVID-19 and vaccines.
“But only if it doesn’t contradict what we are saying”
AHPRA Position Statements:
- https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2021-08-30-Joint-statement.aspx
- https://www.ahpra.gov.au/documents/default.aspx?record=WD21/30751&dbid=AP&chksum=zrOQ56xJaaLbasNxLDyqMA%3d%3d
- https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2021-03-09-vaccination-statement.aspx
- https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/COVID-19/All-profession-information.aspx
Australians on APHRA regulation:
Tanya Davies MP
Queensland – Registered Health Professional
Dr Carolyne Bosak & David Limbrick MP
Dr Carolyne Bosak
David Limbrick MP
Australian Doctors Speaking out against the Censorship & Policies
Open Letter from Australian GP’s to Other GP’s
Robert Clancy: Emeritus Professor of Pathology
A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine – 13th September 2021
And this “Policy” is Silencing Health Professionals and Scientists, Globally
Doctors & Health Scientists all around the world are speaking out regardless, and being censored:
Australian Doctors
New Zealand Doctors
Canadian Doctors
UK Doctors
UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts
USA Doctors
Belgium Doctors
Israel Doctors (in Hebrew)
World Doctors
Doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world
Doctors and scientists from 30 countries
World Medical & Public Health Scientists
Health Experts
Almost 4,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity – September 23 2021
Infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists – 44, 167 Medical Practitioners and 14,981 Medical & Public Health Scientists: https://gbdeclaration.org/
57 Scientists – Unanticipated adverse reactions to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (Journal Publication)
New Zealand Doctors
Dr Alison Goodwin, GP
Dr Damian Wojcik
NZ Health Professionals
Doctors, Scientists, Virologists, and World-Renown Epidemiologists
Canada: Censorship of Doctors & Scientists
Dr. Robert Malone – Inventor mRNA
The True Story of How mRNA Vaccination was Invented
Declarations by Health Physicians and Scientists
September 23, 2021
Almost 4,000 Doctors and Medical Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
- International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists
https://globalcovidsummit.org/news/welcome-to-the-global-covid-summit - Physicians Declaration Global COVID Summit
Thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease.
Public policy makers have chosen to force a “one size fits all” treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized, personalized approach to patient care which is proven to be safe and more effective;
This is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.
The political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician/patient relationship must end. Physicians, and all health care providers, must be free to practice the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, or disciplinary action, including possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts and interference from government entities and organizations – which further prevent us from caring for patients in need. More than ever, the right and ability to exchange objective scientific findings, which further our understanding of disease, must be protected.
Dr. Ira Bernstein, co-founder, Canadian Covid Care Alliance; lecturer, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Dr. Paul E. Alexander, clinical epidemiologist, former WHO-PAHO and US HHS consultant/senior Covid Pandemic advisor
Dr. Pierre Kory, critical care and pulmonary medicine specialist, former Chief of Critical Care Service and Medical Director of Trauma and Life Support Center at University of Wisconsin
Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd; founder, British Ivermectin Recommendation Development; CEO of non-profit Ebmcsquared CiC
Dr. Héctor Carvallo, former professor of Internal Medicine, Universidad de Buenos Aires, former Director Ezeiza Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Mobeen Syed, physician, computer scientist, CEO of DrBeen Corp (US), clinical consultant
Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, endocrinologist & visiting professor, faculty of Floriano (FAESF); ad hoc consultant, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa); consultant for National Commission for Incorporation of New Technologies, Devices and Drugs, Brazil,
Dr. Wong Ang Peng, Malaysian Alliance for Effective Covid Control (MAECC)
Dr. Mark McDonald, double board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrist, Los Angeles, California
Prof. Andrea G. Stramezzi, Italy
Dr. Heather Gessling, family medicine doctor in Columbia, Missouri
Dr. Marc G. Wathelet, molecular biologist, innate immunology and coronavirus expert, consultant, Belgium
Dr. Paul E. Marik, professor of medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Dr. Eivind H. Vinjevoll, senior consultant of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine, chief medical advisor of emergency medicine, Volda, Norway
Dr. Olufemi Emmanuel Babalola, professor of ophthalmology, IP HOD Surgery, Bingham University, Jos/Karu, Nigeria
Dr. Richard Urso, scientist, sole inventor of an FDA-approved wound healing drug, former Chief of Orbital Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. John Littell, family physician, with practices in Kissimmee and Ocala, Florida
Dr. Ryan Cole, board-certified pathologist, CEO of Cole Diagnostics, Boise, Idaho
Dr. Brian Tyson, family medicine doctor, Urgent Care Covid Clinic, Imperial Valley, California
Dr. Zsuszanna Ragó, specialist in coronavirus, primary care; IVERCOV project leader, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Dr. Brian J. Koos, maternal and fetal medicine, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Dr. Giovanni Frajese, endocrinology and cancer research; associate professor, Applied Medical Technical Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy
Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter, critical care, pulmonary medicine, sleep medicine
Dr. Robert W. Malone, gene therapy, bio-defense, vaccines and immunology; discoverer of in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and architect of mRNA vaccine platform
Dr. Peter McCullough, clinical cardiologist, preventive cardiology and advanced lipidology, former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center
Dr. Jose Iglesias, associate professor, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, virology, vaccine R&D, former Sr Ebola Program Manager, Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunization (GAVI), former Head of Vaccine Development Office, German Center for Infection Research
Dr. Claudia Chaufan, professor, Health Policy and Global Health, York University, Toronto
Dr. Eric Wargotz, Clinical Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, the George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC
Dr. Phillip Sirota, Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. R. Duane Cook, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, University of Florida Health
Dr. Ming Chu Wang, Department of Anesthesia, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Dr. Ondrej Halgas, biomedical researcher, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Marialuisa Partisani, deputy head, general medicine, HIV infection care center, Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, France
Dr. Allesandro Santin, professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences, Yale School of Medicine; Disease Aligned Research team leader, Yale Cancer Center, New Haven, Connecticut
Infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists – Great Barrington Declaration
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
- Focused Protection: https://gbdeclaration.org/focused-protection/
- The Great Barrington Declaration https://gbdeclaration.org/#read
Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.
Dr. Kulldorff works on research grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and the non-profit Fund for Public Health in New York City, some of which is related to COVID-19.
Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases.
Dr. Gupta’s research funding over the last 30 years has principally been through fellowships and investigator awards from the Wellcome Trust and the European Research Council. She has also received funding from the UKRI, the Royal Society, the Leverhulme Trust, the Emily and Georg von Opel Foundation and the Oxford Martin School.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.
Dr. Bhattacharya research funding over the past 22 years of his career has come almost entirely from grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Agriculture, and participation on contracts with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) via a government contracting research group, Acumen, LLC.
Medical and Public Health Scientists and Medical Practitioners
- 44,167 Medical Practitioners
- 14,981 Medical & Public Health Scientists
Dr. Simon Thornley, epidemiologist and biostatistician, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Alexander Walker, principal at World Health Information Science Consultants, former Chair of Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, USA
Dr. Andrius Kavaliunas, epidemiologist and assistant professor at Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Dr. Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, infectious disease expert and professor, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, England
Dr. Anthony J Brookes, professor of genetics, University of Leicester, England
Dr. Annie Janvier, professor of pediatrics and clinical ethics, Université de Montréal and Sainte-Justine University Medical Centre, Canada
Dr. Ariel Munitz, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Boris Kotchoubey, Institute for Medical Psychology, University of Tübingen, Germany
Dr. Cody Meissner, professor of pediatrics, expert on vaccine development, efficacy, and safety. Tufts University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. David Katz, physician and president, True Health Initiative, and founder of the Yale University Prevention Research Center, USA
Dr. David Livermore, microbiologist, infectious disease epidemiologist and professor, University of East Anglia, England
Dr. Eitan Friedman, professor of medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Ellen Townsend, professor of psychology, head of the Self-Harm Research Group, University of Nottingham, England
Dr. Eyal Shahar, physician, epidemiologist and professor (emeritus) of public health, University of Arizona, USA
Dr. Simon Wood, biostatistician and professor, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Dr. Stephen Bremner,professor of medical statistics, University of Sussex, England
Dr. Sylvia Fogel, autism provider and psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and instructor at Harvard Medical School, USA
Tom Nicholson, Associate in Research, Duke Center for International Development, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University, USA
Dr. Udi Qimron, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, professor and expert in virology, immunology and cell biology, University of Würzburg, Germany
Dr. Uri Gavish, biomedical consultant, Israel
Dr. Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu, professor of finance, director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group, Queen Mary University of London, England
Dr. Florian Limbourg, physician and hypertension researcher, professor at Hannover Medical School, Germany
Dr. Gabriela Gomes, mathematician studying infectious disease epidemiology, professor, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Dr. Gerhard Krönke, physician and professor of translational immunology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Dr. Gesine Weckmann, professor of health education and prevention, Europäische Fachhochschule, Rostock, Germany
Dr. Günter Kampf, associate professor, Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, Greifswald University, Germany
Dr. Helen Colhoun, professor of medical informatics and epidemiology, and public health physician, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Dr. Jonas Ludvigsson, pediatrician, epidemiologist and professor at Karolinska Institute and senior physician at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden
Dr. Karol Sikora, physician, oncologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Buckingham, England
Dr. Laura Lazzeroni, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and of biomedical data science, Stanford University Medical School, USA
Dr. Lisa White, professor of modelling and epidemiology, Oxford University, England
Dr. Mario Recker, malaria researcher and associate professor, University of Exeter, England
Dr. Matthew Ratcliffe, professor of philosophy, specializing in philosophy of mental health, University of York, England
Dr. Matthew Strauss, critical care physician and assistant professor of medicine, Queen’s University, Canada
Dr. Michael Jackson, research fellow, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Dr. Michael Levitt, biophysicist and professor of structural biology, Stanford University, USA.
Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Dr. Mike Hulme, professor of human geography, University of Cambridge, England
Dr. Motti Gerlic, professor of clinical microbiology and immunology, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Partha P. Majumder, professor and founder of the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani, India
Dr. Paul McKeigue, physician, disease modeler and professor of epidemiology and public health, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, physician, epidemiologist and public policy expert at the Veterans Administration, USA
Dr. Rodney Sturdivant, infectious disease scientist and associate professor of biostatistics, Baylor University, USA
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