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Killer C19 Protocols

Dr Russell Blaylock

“The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.”

Dr Russell Blaylock, Retired Neurosurgeon, publishes ‘COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?‘ in Surgical Neurology International – 22 April 2022 – calling out all the COVID Lies & atrocities we’ve endured from the corporate media and government bodies and health regulators, including the lethal-Remdesivir & the so-called Vaccines, the censorship of early-treatments, as well as calling out Fauci, Gates, Daszak, CDC, WHO, the New World Order & The Great Reset.

COVID UPDATE_ What is the trut

COVID-19 Spartacus Letter

The Spartacus Letter – Rev. 2 (2021-09-28) | Wow I’ve just finished reading this and they have obviously been delving in the same realms of research as I have, and definitely have more of a medical perspective towards COVID — at least, at first. They/he/whoever it is (it’s anonymous) went ‘full-depth’ with the Pathophysiology, suppressed treatments (and why they work), as well as getting into the Vaccine dangers (and why they don’t work & that the vaccinated are carriers and are a threat to the unvaccinated, and more) – before stepping into Great Reset and Transhumanism and going to war on all those megalomaniacs responsible for the global genocide and total population control. and even though it doesn’t cover the whole octopus, I did learn something new:
