“It’s Slavery” – Senator Malcolm Roberts | Great Reset Truth Bombs
Calling out supporters of Klaus Schwab’s WEF / UN “You will Own Nothing” social credit slavery digital ID system
Calling out supporters of Klaus Schwab’s WEF / UN “You will Own Nothing” social credit slavery digital ID system
A national security panel regarding biological weapons that can target DNA and weaponized food from the Aspen Strategy Group and Aspen Security Forum.
Australian school children ages 10 to 14 are at the forefront of an experimental new social engineering program – eSmart Digital Licence (Rockefeller-funded). There are 2,200 eSmart Schools across Australia involved in this “behaviour-change initiative”. ~ Stephen Andrew MP
George Green is the author of Handbook to a New Paradigm—a book to help awaken humanity to the coming collapse, mass depopulation program, and the current times we’re now facing.
Although I’m not sure of the validity of some of his claims, the things he states are in parallel to a lot of the other New World Order Insiders, so I thought I’d edit down the long interview into clips to have as a comparative reference.
Three short 4-minute videos that those who can see through the narrative must see if we want to win.
The ruling class is murdering you: Roger Waters on shouting from the rooftop with his “This is not a drill” tour.
This is one you can send to friends who aren’t conspiratorial to warn them to prepare, without confusing them or overwhelming them with all the things you know they aren’t ready for.
This is a channel I just did a post about that breaks down a lot of the social credit system stuff in regards to the great reset, but she has actually a lot more videos on Financial Freedom, so I thought I’d create a separate post for these videos in case it helps someone.
I found this channel recently that is mostly focused on financial freedom, but has quite a few explainer-videos about the great reset, the social credit system, digital ID, cashless society, and so on that may help people understand what is going on in the world, as well as possible solutions.
Your carbon footprint is a scam. You’ll never guess where the term carbon footprint came from in the first place & that it was only created less than 20yrs ago by one of the world’s largest oil companies, BP – so you’d take the blame for the problem of carbon; not them.