Dr Mike Yeadon
One of the best interviews I’ve seen with Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer of Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. Feels like he read my blog out loud :)
One of the best interviews I’ve seen with Dr Mike Yeadon, former Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer of Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. Feels like he read my blog out loud :)
Quickie but important Jab Updates for Australians:
(1) TGA FOI 3727 – Pfizer injury data.
(2) Australian gynaecologist Dr. Luke McLinden found that (50% – 74%) had miscarriages after taking the jab.
This film is not for you. It’s for the people who don’t believe you. Without the PCR test there would be no “pandemic.”
Collection of Peer-Reviewed Medical Papers Evidencing Multitude of Heartbreaking Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
Lawyer Julian Gillespie is standing up to Australia’s Secretary of Health in Federal Court against the dangerous and deadly shots, warns of big pharma’s influence over politicians and medical authorities, and new oppressive powers being legislated, and calls out the Australian government for ignoring the Pandemic Plan and letting WHO go rogue on the Australian people.
Evidence of Pharmaceutical Data Fraud, Psychological Manipulation, Criminal Activities, and Corruption by Australian Associate Professor Peter Parry at the
Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) Medico Legal Summit 2022 calling to cancel the experimental gene therapy and call out the health regulators (TGA & AHPRA), and provide & Signatories for a Parliamentary Health Reform.
Doctor that was suspended by AHPRA for providing medical exemptions for the experimental gene-therapy injections explains how government bureaucrats have committed atrocities during the pandemic and they want even more power. A call to arms for other fellow health professionals, politicians, the media and the general public to stand up before unprecedented new powers control us all.
“You have a choice. You can either go all the way to Orwell-land, or you can decide to go in the opposite direction. ” ~ Dr Robert Brennan, AMPS Summit, QLD Australia.
The British Medical Journal has just published a feature investigational piece to expose the drug regulators.